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October 6, 2007 | |
"But That's OK..... Isn't It?" | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners © Copyright September 23, 2007 - All Rights Reserved | |
Of course it is OK for the government to ignore our borders and let anyone who wants to, come here, no matter how much it costs or what affect it has on our schools, our hospitals, our safety nets, our jobs, our language, or our national security. Why shouldn't the government ignore the law? After all they are the government and they are above the law ....... aren't they? Why shouldn't the illegals come here and the businesses hire them? It seems that each is above the law as well. Only individual American citizens, who pay the "freight", must obey the law. But that's fair...... isn't it? It certainly is OK that the U. S. Congress signs treaties that trash our constitution and destroy our very sovereignty, like the Law of the Sea Treaty. After all, isn't the U. S. Congress the Supreme Law of the Land? And it is OK for Presidents to issue executive orders to codify into law, United Nations policies like Agenda 21, without ratifying a treaty in the U. S. Congress, as required by our Constitution. But hey, that's OK........ isn't it? And what about the current President's plan (which he denies) to secretly merge America with Canada and Mexico and build a super highway through the middle of the United States? That certainly is in the best interests of our sovereignty, our national security and our economy, and must be OK...... isn't it? It's OK that our kids are being brainwashed and indoctrinated in our schools with social equity, political correctness and radical environmentalism. The parents aren't paying much attention anyway, so evidently that must be OK, as well. Why wouldn't it be OK to give more rights to animals, plants, insects, birds and micro-organisms, than people? It has been proven that people are a blight on the Earth and need to be super-regulated. Or has it been proven? Does this mean that only flora and fauna have rights? Sure it's OK for politicians to raise their right hand and swear on oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help them God, and then violate that oath every single day they are in office. There is no penalty for this egregious violation, so they get away with it. If they get away with it, then it must be OK..... isn't it? It's OK for the radical environmental groups to obtain grants from government agencies and then turn around and sue that government agency with our money. That's fair...... isn't it? We are sure that it is OK for federal, state and local governments to condemn private property under eminent domain and then turn around and give that condemned property to the highest bidder so that the government entity will receive a higher return in taxes on the very land they condemned. That must be constitutional...... isn't it? Why wouldn't it be constitutional for state and local governments to pass laws that take way the right-of-use and decrease the value of rural landowners' property, to placate the insane environmental community? We can just ignore the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution. After all, rural landowners are a minority. They can't do anything about it anyway. So it's really OK to let the majority run all over them...... isn't it? Now presidential candidate and socialist Hillary Clinton has a great plan to give a $5,000 bond to every child born in America, with a cost of around $20 Billion a year. And let's not forget her other grand scheme for Nationalized Health Care, both plans being for the sole purpose of buying votes to gain power. She's a nice lady. Think of all the poor people her plans would help. All she has to do to pay for it is TAKE more taxes from the so-called rich and levy more sin taxes. Hey, if you are a recipient of Hillary's give-away largess, you would be all for it and no doubt vote for her. Now why wouldn't that be OK? This is a Democracy....... isn't it? Telling the people that global warming will doom us all, through one of the most massive propaganda, mass-hysteria programs of all time, aided and abetted by the government and the news media, is OK. Everybody seems to be buying into it. The people are stupid anyway, aren't they? That way the government and the sensationalists can easily pass draconian legislation to protect these poor saps from themselves and the so-called damage they do to Mother Earth. It's OK to lie to people to con them into thinking we are in a life-threatening crisis........ isn't it? It's OK for the anti-war folk to denigrate our brave men and women in uniform that are in harms way and are losing their lives, their limbs and their minds in defense of freedom, so that the anti-war folk are free to denigrate our brave men and women in uniform. Anything goes these days because you see, ...... it's OK! It is alright for citizens whose only interest in government is what they can TAKE from it and are all-ears when a politician comes along and promises them our tax money to get their vote. But then that's OK to take from the rich and give to the poor....... isn't it? Robin Hood did it and was heralded a hero. It's Ok to ignore the 4th Amendment and obtain warrant-less wire taps to spy on American citizens for any reason the government deems appropriate. We are at war, so we can waive the Constitution anytime we want ........ can't we? And for those of us who are trying to regain America's freedom and liberty, it is OK to ignore their efforts and not support them. The battle is lost anyway. We are doomed to become the Socialists States of North America........ if we haven't already. So why throw good money after bad? All this must be OK because special interests and government are doing it and nobody seems to mind, much less care. Or is it OK?!!!!! And if it isn't OK, what are we going to do about it? From our perspective, probably nothing, unless you help the "those of us" that are trying to do something about it, because we don't believe "IT" is OK. But there are nowhere near enough of us and there is nowhere near enough resources to stop "IT" from being OK. But as long as "IT" is OK, then nothing will change and "IT" will continue to be OK. "It doesn't take guns to conquer a people. It just takes millions of stupid laws and millions of people who are willing to follow those laws blindly, without question, and to say 'But that's OK ........ isn't it?'" Ron Ewart | |
Is Government, servant or master? You decide! | |
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Ron Ewart, President | |
"THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RURAL LANDOWNERS" The National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) is a non-profit corporation, duly licensed in the State of Washington. It was formed in response to draconian land use ordinances that were passed by King County in Washington State (Seattle) in the late Fall of 2004, after vociferous opposition from rural landowners. NARLO's mission is to begin the long process of restoring, preserving and protecting Constitutional property rights and returning this country to a Constitutional Republic. Government has done a great job of dividing us up into little battle groups where we are essentially impotent at a national level. We will change all that with the noisy voices and the vast wealth tied up in the land of the American rural landowner. The land is our power, if we will just use that power, before we lose it. We welcome donations and volunteers who believe as we do, that government abuses against rural landowners have gone on for far too long and a day of reckoning is at hand. To learn more, visit our website at www.narlo.org. President Roosevelt, in his 1933 inaugural address said, “…. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. I maintain that the only thing we have to fear is unbridled government. The only way unbridled government can exist is if WE THE PEOPLE allow it. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |