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ARTICLES: July 22, 2007 | |
"Physics - Inertia - Motion - Acceleration and Government" By Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners | |
Thanks to Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and a few other science giants, we have discovered that the laws of physics, at least here on Earth in the macro world, are virtually inflexible. They appear to work every time. To give you an example of just how they work and how it relates to the operation of government, I would like to pass on a personal story about a sawmill steam engine from yesteryear | |
Years ago, my father used to make the rounds of sawmills in Western Washington. I'm not sure why. At one of the larger sawmills along the Washington coast, the power to cut giant logs into lumber was provided by a huge steam engine. Attached to the shaft of the steam engine was a massive flywheel to smooth out the pulsing action of the steam pistons and to provide constant inertia to the saw blade. This particular steam engine came with a governor to keep the engine from literally running away and destroying itself. At the sawmill my father was visiting at the time, the governor failed and the steam engine started to runaway. Meanwhile, the flywheel was accelerating faster and faster. Not being able to shut the engine down in time to prevent a runaway, everyone in the vicinity of the engine started running for cover in all directions, including my father, knowing full well what the final outcome would be. Finally, the quantum "glue" holding the atoms and molecules together in the flywheel, gave up and it came apart in thousands of pieces, small and large, many of which exited through the roof and landed over a mile from the mill. Some of the pieces were buried several feet in the ground. The steam engine, with the sudden release of the flywheel, disintegrated. From my father's recounting of the incident, amazingly, no one was hurt. Government is very much like a steam engine, with the "governor" being WE THE PEOPLE. If WE THE PEOPLE aren't holding the government to its "velocity" (constitutional) limits, just like the steam engine, the government will runaway. It is an inescapable, historical fact. And so it is, WE THE PEOPLE have not been performing our duty as the government's "governor". The all-too evident result is, the engine of government IS running away. And sooner or later, just like the flywheel that flew apart after it reached its maximum rotational velocity, the government will come apart at the seams and we the people will pay the price. We already are. Just to show you just much our run-away government is regulating and costing us, here is information from the Competitive Enterprise Institute you should know: "The Competitive Enterprise Institute's report, "2007 Ten Thousand Commandments," shows just how much government regulations are costing the American taxpayer each year. Economist Mark Crain estimates regulatory costs hit $1.142 trillion in 2006. These off-budget costs (hidden taxes) now approach half of the level of federal spending and more than quadruple the $248 billion budget deficit Regulatory costs exceed the estimated 2006 individual income taxes of $998 billion and dwarf corporate income taxes of $277 billion. From 1996 to 2006 over 48,000 final rules were issued in the Federal Register. Over 4,052 regulations appear in the 2006 Unified Agenda. 139 of those are "economically significant" meaning they each will cost at least $100 million a year to implement; that's $13.9 billion annually. (http://www.libertymatters.org/newsservice/newsservice.htm) NOTE: Americans give $23 Billion alone, in foreign aid. $23 Billion !!!!!!! Our government is soooooo generous with OUR money. But unlike the steam engine that requires wood, coal, natural gas or other forms of energy to heat the water to create the steam, government runs on only one source of energy, YOUR MONEY, trillions of it. The mill operators in my father's story could not move fast enough to cut the fuel to the fire that was boiling the water for the steam, thus the engine ran away. But such is not the case of WE THE PEOPLE. We can cut the fuel to the engine of government with one stroke. Cut off the fuel that keeps them going, our money. You cannot keep burning up a finite resource (our money), as government is doing, without SEVERE unintended consequences. Sooner or later another finite law catches up with us; the law of diminishing returns. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diminishing_returns) The government eventually will break us, if we stand by and let them. Each day that government is in session, local, state or federal, (legislatures and bureaucracies) they pass law after law, act after act and bill after bill that continues to erode our freedom and gives them more power over us. The only way we are ever going to stop them is to rob them of the energy we give them, our taxes, that boils the water, that makes the steam that fuels their power. Without a "governor" they most surely WILL runaway, with our money and our freedom. They are well on their way. There are however, two other ways to reverse the course of our current government; 1) get involved on a large scale in the legislative process, or 2) outright insurrection and revolution. The likelihood of success in the No. 2 solution, is highly questionable. But it's not too late to re-activate the government's "governor" and start returning government to its constitutional limits, whether we do it by legislative means, or withholding our tax money. The question is, will it be in time to prevent a government run-away? A run-away with its sole energy source being, OUR MONEY, and trillions of it. Why do we not wake up? Why can we not grasp the implications of the path we are on? Unfortunately, never have so many been so complicit in their own demise, as are the people of America. Without apparently knowing it, they are funding their domestic enemy and disarming themselves, the equivalent of turning your weapons over to your enemy while you still have the capacity to put up a fight and win. Americans have surrendered without a shot being fired, probably because they do not recognize that their enemy, is an "enemy" within, or what is even more disturbing, the people of America are just too comfortable, naive or cowardly to care. That uniquely brave Winston Churchill put it best when he said: "If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." But then, how many Americans really care? We care!!! That's why we spend countless hours researching, reporting and writing about freedom, liberty and property rights in America. We sure could use your help though. For those that have already helped, please except our sincere thanks.
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