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ARTICLES: August 13, 2007 | |
"The Feds are Sniffing At Our Heels" | |
Take a hard look at this picture? | |
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It is a photograph from the late 1980's of a lone Chinaman standing in front of a row of tanks in Tiananmen Square, during a very brief uprising. The picture was flashed all over the world as a symbol of the struggle for freedom in China. The poor Chinaman was later captured, tortured, then killed. In other words, he was martyred. So much for freedom of dissent in China. (See http://www.christusrex.org/www1/sdc/tiananmen.html) Just today we read in the local newspaper that the Chinese government is installing 20,000 cameras throughout Chinese cities. The cameras have the capability of face recognition. Your mug shot goes into a computer data base and if there is a match, you're "got". In support of the camera program, each Chinaman will be required to have, on their person, a government card. The card bears a microchip with all the information about the Chinaman stored on the chip, that can be read by scanners everywhere. If you think it can't happen in America, you are naive. It already is. American companies are making the camera and chip equipment for China. (See http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003832643_chinaeye12.html) In any event, we must be doing something right. it seems that NARLO has attracted the attention of America's equivalent of China's "row of tanks". We have just learned that the U. S. Government, in the form of the Department of Defense (DOD), is very interested in NARLO and its website. It seems that the DOD spent quite a bit of time on our website and hit every page. Now why would the DOD be interested in our little old website? Could it be because we use words like liberty, or freedom, or property rights or Heaven forbid, the Constitution? Are those words a threat to National Security? Hardly! Nevertheless, our government is investigating us. America has become a police state and quite unlike the lone Chinaman, we do not intend to take on the government, federal, state or local, all by ourselves. We have no intention of subjecting our extended family and our assets to whatever the government would choose to do with or to us, unless and only unless, we have thousands of supporters. Only in strength of numbers do we have any chance of affecting change. The government, our government, has ways of making it very difficult for those that oppose them. Thousands of Americans that have stood up against government tyranny, have been subjected to so-called legalized coercion, threats and blackmail from the judicial system or law enforcement to shut them up, strip them of their wealth, or worse, imprison them. It is a daily occurrence. Our e-mail messages of freedom go out to almost a thousand people, with forwarding. Our articles appear in many national venues. We get verbal encouragement from many quarters of America. Out of that thousand of e-mails, plus the other thousands that read our articles from around the country, only a handful think our efforts are worthy of financial support. We sincerely thank those few for that support because we wouldn't still be here without it. But the hard truth is, we will not pit our frail bodies up against the almighty government as martyrs, without a lot more support from those that read our messages and believe in our "words" of freedom and liberty. As much as we believe that what we are doing is right, we will not throw ourselves on our own sword while others stand in the shadows, out of range. If we are to continue, under the threat of government sanction or investigation for mentioning words like freedom, liberty, property rights and the constitution, it will only happen because enough of you will support what we and others are doing with your own check books. For NARLO's sign-up form click here. Or, you can go to our website and sign up using PayPal. We are fighting for freedom on your behalf. For the cost of a steak dinner for one person at a nice restaurant, you can keep NARLO going. We fail to understand how you could do otherwise. We face the extreme power and influence of the government. We face well financed, highly organized social and radical environmental groups that lobby government for their agendas, and get them. Either America and its freedom are worth fighting and "paying" for, or it will go the way of all other Republics that toyed with the experiment of "liberty" and failed. If you are truly "blind", none of our words will open your eyes. But in your blindness you forsake freedom in exchange for security and seek comfort in exchange for enslavement. We must ask, why would any real American succumb to slavery over freedom? Is it fear, cowardice, apathy, ignorance or naiveté? Whatever it is, the America of the Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution is dying. Its death throws are evident everywhere. How can we stand by and do nothing while our country lays bleeding in the hot, scalding desert that is infested with the robbers of freedom and liberty, the purveyors of socialism, radical environmentalism and the one-world-order? How indeed! Join with us in this quest for freedom, it being the noblest of all causes. We encourage you to forward this message, if you deem it appropriate. Take care, Ron Ewart | |
The National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) is a non-profit corporation, duly licensed in the State of Washington. It was formed in response to draconian land use ordinances that were passed by King County in Washington State (Seattle) in the late Fall of 2004, after vociferous opposition from rural landowners. NARLO's mission is to begin the long process of restoring, preserving and protecting Constitutional property rights and returning this country to a Constitutional Republic. Government has done a great job of dividing us up into little battle groups where we are essentially impotent at a national level. We will change all that with the noisy voices and the vast wealth tied up in the land of the American rural landowner. The land is our power, if we will just use that power, before we lose it. We welcome donations and volunteers who believe as we do, that government abuses against rural landowners have gone on for far too long and a day of reckoning is at hand. To learn more, visit our website at www.narlo.org. President Roosevelt, in his 1933 inaugural address said, ".. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". I maintain that the only thing we have to fear is unbridled government. The only way unbridled government can exist is if WE THE PEOPLE allow it. | |