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October 17, 2008 | |
And The Winners Are ..... THE LOSERS! | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright October 13, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
A few days ago, we received the following message from an Obama supporter: "I am not talking to you because you are a conservative. Conservatives think that everyone should be responsible for themselves and they want government out of their lives. Don't they realize how selfish they are being? Why should people be responsible for themselves when we have such a huge government? The government knows what's best for us and government should redistribute our wealth accordingly." The naiveté and stupidity of this ignoramus is almost indescribable. We know what you are thinking; that this was a put up job, but unfortunately it is a real response from a real person. We couldn't believe it either. Still, it is a disheartening reflection of what has happened to this country in the last 80 to 100 years of generations of government give-away programs that reward people for doing nothing, in return for a vote to keep the government "givers" in office. A political strategy that the Founding Fathers warned us about many times. The 75th Anniversary of President Roosevelt's New Deal is upon us and watch our socialist government, federal, state and local, jump at the chance to celebrate its virtues. The top socialists of the country will gather together and sing the praise of one of the largest acts of socialism ever perpetrated upon the citizens of America by any president or congress, before or since. That is, up until calendar year 2008 when our socialist federal government of America, in response to a crisis they created, nationalized businesses, banks and the banking institutions and saddled future generations with as much as $2 Trillion dollars in additional debt, on top of the $10 Trillion dollars of existing debt they also created. And don't forget, Fanny Mae was part of FDR's New Deal. The same Fanny Mae, and now Freddie Mack, that have taken America into bankruptcy by promoting these same failed socialists programs. And the American people were forced by the government to bail out this insanity with their hard-earned taxes, FDR's New Deal came in several parts of outright socialist programs, programs that were totally outside the authority of the Constitution, aided and abetted by a sympathetic congress and a bought-off United States Supreme Court. FDR successfully sold socialism to a weakened American people and the losers of society (mostly city folk) bought it hook, line and sinker. These programs are now construed to be, under law, a constitutional social "right", or entitlement. Now consider that the same type of socialist programs, but much larger, are coming down the track at breakneck speed in the form of Social Security, Medicare, the Medicare drug program and Medicaid. When these "socialist chickens" come home to roost and the money isn't there to pay the recipients because America is broke, there will be riots in the streets like this country has never seen before. To put down the riots and insurrection, the government will declare martial law, institute curfews and suspend the constitution. After all, if the government can nationalize businesses and banks, what is to stop them from suspending the constitution? Absolutely nothing! Are we the people going to stop them? We wonder. So for now folks, the winners are the losers, the whiners and the victims of our society that mostly live in large cities. Self reliance and individual responsibility have gone the way of our so-called unalienable rights, (in the trash can) along with our freedom, our liberty, our property rights and our very sovereignty. The losers are taking your hard-earned tax money and the government that bought the losers off with your money, is the implementer and enforcer of this unconstitutional policy. A policy that comes right out of the mouth of European Socialist Karl Marx wherein he said: "from those with the greatest capability, to those with the greatest need." Under Karl Marx socialism, your "need" is a debt on someone else's "capability" and earnings and you, the producer, "owe" them because they have a "need". Without any argument, the U. S. government has passed and is enforcing Karl Marx socialism. President Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal that our tax money, blood and technology built, even though most Americans were against it. Now the Chinese are running and controlling the Canal we built, which could drastically effect our national security in the event of a world conflict. Even though the American people, on a grand scale, were vehemently opposed to it, our Congress voted for a $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout Bill that didn't fix anything but give the government more unauthorized power to control our money, our land, our water, our food and our energy, together with the greatest bundle of "earmarks" in our nations history. Now our government is getting in bed with other governments to "calm" the world financial markets. What a grand opportunity to implement the one world order and put the last nail in the coffin of American sovereignty. Are we going to take this injustice and unconstitutional dictates from our government? Are we going to just sit there and let them steal our money so that they can buy votes from people who don't work for it? Are we going to let them sell our sovereignty to the highest bidder? Are we going to let them do nothing about illegal immigration except grant the criminals amnesty so that the criminals will vote for the politicians that granted them amnesty? Are we going to let socialist organizations like ACORN take over this country by subterfuge and corruption of our election process? Are we going to let the Federal Government set the curriculum for our public school children and indoctrinate them to become good little socialist, mindless robots? Are we going to let high-paid lobbyists with hidden and narrow agendas, control what laws get passed in this country, like we have for 100 years? Are we going to let our courts render decisions that fly in the face of our Constitution and natural law? Are we going to let the lawmakers take away our rights, one by one, and enslave us? If you aren't scared for you and your country, you just don't get it. It doesn't make any difference who gets elected President. Neither will do anything to return this country to the Constitutional Republic that was the vision of our Founding Fathers. Neither will mandate that the Congress return to the limits of its constitutional authority. Neither will limit their own powers to those granted by the Constitution. Neither will use their power to open up our energy and mineral resources that are the life blood of our economy. Neither will stop the hemorrhage of our money going off shore to dictators and despots who hate us, to buy the oil we need, that we have right here at home on our own soil, but aren't allowed to retrieve. Instead, they will promote alternative energy sources that can only survive by the injection of, once again, taxpayer money. If the Kenyan/Indonesian citizen becomes President, in direct violation of the Constitution, it will just accelerate the process of destruction a little faster, than if an Arizona Republican, turned Democrat, becomes President. What's the difference? Nothing is going to change while good people sit on their posteriors and moan and groan a little. Nothing is going to change until those that truly believe in freedom get their hands dirty in its defense. Many good solutions have been proffered by well intentioned individuals, but we are impotent because a majority will not get behind one workable solution. Until a very powerful minority comes together as one mind, the winners are the losers that believe ".....that conservatives think that everyone should be responsible for themselves and they want government out of their lives. Don't they realize how selfish they are being? Why should people be responsible for themselves when we have such a huge government? The government knows what's best for us and government should redistribute our wealth accordingly." If this attitude of one American, that is held by millions of Americans, doesn't sicken you, you aren't paying much attention to what is going on around you, or you don't fully understand what is meant by a Constitutional Republic. The losers are winning folks and they are winning on your money. The government is stealing your money from you and giving it to the losers. Now that's fair, isn't it? How long will you tolerate that others are getting your sweat, blood, labor and tears, because the government thinks it is fair? It is all up to us who know what is right under the umbrella of freedom, to show the way and to show it with force of will and courage. In closing, we do not consider our men and women in uniform as losers. They and their families should be given as much as we can that is reasonable, for their sacrifices in defense of our freedom. They are the true heroes of America. | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |