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October 6, 2008 | |
Welcome to The Socialist Union of Ameri-EU | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright October 6, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
The Republic is dead! Welcome to the Socialist Union of Ameri-EU. Whatever the vision the Founding Fathers had for this country, any semblance to a contemporary America has been essentially perverted beyond any recognition to that vision. The "Republic for Which We Used To Stand" is dead! Recite all the Pledges of Allegiance, salute the flag, sing the national anthem and talk about freedom and liberty all you want, but you are pledging, saluting, singing and honoring a phantom mirage on an obscure horizon that doesn't exist any more. The long, deadly spears of socialism, radical environmentalism and the one-world-order, have pierced the Heart of America, to silence the last remaining voice of true freedom on this planet, forever. Even as the people raised their collective voices with a resounding NO, the current U. S. Congress pats itself on the back for passing one of the worst pieces of pork legislation in all of American history, euphemistically called the Wall Street $700 Billion Bailout Bill. On the Monday following Friday's approval of the Bill, the World and U. S. Stock markets dove into un-chartered territory. So much for calming the markets with the Bailout. The road we now go down is one in which it will be almost impossible to return. Capitalism is dead and free markets are dead; nationalized by the United States Government in one sweeping draconian, unconstitutional action by an out-of-control, head-in-the-sand, "Absolute Democrat Monarchy" of a U. S. Congress. An action that was precipitated by failed socialist policies, implemented by liberal Democrats, that have controlled the U. S. Congress and the White House for the majority of the years since FDR. And why did they do this? For the sole purpose of the entrenchment of their own power by buying votes with someone else's money, at the point of a gun. We have been done in by the lust for power by those that were supposed to lead us down the path of freedom and by the greed and I'll-take-anything-I-can-get-for-free-from-the-government attitude, by way too many Americans who were stupid enough to be bought off by government's promises of a "free" lunch that everyone knows, isn't fee. Like the ner-do-well Americans who destroy and trash where they live in government public housing projects, Americans have spit on and torn asunder like little kids, the greatest gift of all, liberty. A gift that was secured at great cost in blood and treasure of the millions of men and women who gave their lives, limbs and minds in the defense of freedom. This has become the era of the ungrateful horde and the stupid. The current leadership in the U. S. House (Pelosi) and Senate (Reid) are an absolute abomination and embarrassment to their offices. From our perspective, they are traitors to the cause of freedom and at the very least, should be jailed. The executive leadership in the office of the President (Bush), whom we used to support, has all but disintegrated. They have all been infected with a virus for which there is no known cure. With few exceptions, including the current list of presidential and Vice presidential candidates, (Palin excluded, we think), they and their other 540 partners in political crime, have been infected by the "insanity of power" virus. That virus has now mutated into the worst of all diseases, "Americanas dividus" and effects well over half of all Americans. Now....... there are currently two kinds of Americans. Those proud Americans (warriors) that say and will act upon their solemn oath of "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" and those hapless Americans that whine that they are victims of all the ills of society and must have their hands held, their brows stroked, their wallets filled and their "pig troughs" re-supplied every day, at the udder of "Mother" government. It is truly disgusting. The Founding Fathers must be spinning uncontrollably in their graves. America is now under the control of the national and international money and power brokers, powerful lobbyists and the naive, mostly urban Americans, who keep, with few exceptions, the current despicable "clan" of power-hungry politicians in office. Anybody with any vision can see, that the two positions, warrior and whiner, are mutually exclusive and that a violent clash of uncivil war can be the only final outcome. One day, the producers of society will revolt, and tell the whiners where to get off. When they do, all Hell is going to break loose and chaos will ensue. When that day comes, this government, that we-the-people have allowed to get too strong, will declare martial law and suspend what is left of a dying Constitution. Our military is currently being trained to put down protests and insurrection the government knows is coming. Coming as a result of their own insane policies and actions. One author, Ayn Rand, saw into the future and wrote of it 51 years ago (1957) in the novel, "Atlas Shrugged". About the same time, another author, Aldous Huxley, gave a different, but parallel perspective, in the revised 1958 version of his "Brave New World". George Orwell's version of a surreal world, was laid out in his 1949 novel entitled, "1984". The predictions of America's future, based on where it was going from very early on in the 20th Century, happened long before what has led us to the great unconstitutional Bailout of 2008. For us to continue on the same path, when all this was known, is not only grossly negligent, but criminal on the part of every American who saw what was happening and did nothing. Even my father saw it coming and I remember as a young boy, his rants against FDR and treasury bonds, that were, in all reality, un-collateralized loans that future generations would be forced to pay. Now, those un-collateralized loans approach 12 Trillion dollars and rising, and the loan may never be repaid before we go belly up. To give you an idea just how much 12 Trillion is: if you laid 12 trillion one-dollar bills end-to-end, they would reach over 1 billion miles into deep space. If you stacked them on top of each other at 400 bills per inch, 12 trillion dollars would reach over two times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. We are sad to say, but the strong smell of revolt is in the air and gets stronger by the day. In the end, the whiners will lose, because whiners and appeasers always lose and the fighters always win. Nevertheless, what falls out of the chaos from this civil war that looms on the horizon, is totally unpredictable, just like the government's so-called predictions, by computer model, of man-caused global warming. No one has the slightest clue and we are, in effect, under the control of the fickled finger of fate. However, there is one solution before civil war or revolution becomes the only alternative. That solution is where strong and dedicated Americans, who believe in freedom and are willing to defend it, overcome the power brokers, the lobbyists, the pitiful among us and the victims who have given in, to all the "poor me" weaknesses of mankind. But then, throughout history, the strong have always had to carry the weak on their backs. Compassion is one thing. But compassion into absurdity by government edict, is a recipe for bankruptcy, or worse, sovereign suicide. If in fact, the meek do inherit the Earth, they shall get what they so richly deserve, slavery. The strong in liberty always prevail, if there are enough of them. Be there man among you ...............? But then, as an alternative, there is always NARLO'S "Libertas Rebellion". (http://www.narlo.org/libertashtml) | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |