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October 8, 2008 | |
Without Liberty, We Might As Well Be Dead! | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright October 8, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
In the shackle room of the jail house, the jailer snaps the handcuffs around your wrists and attaches them to the chain around your waste. You tremble in anticipation of what comes next. The jailer then reaches for the leg irons, and one by one, closes them tightly around your ankles. Your anxiety rises even further. All through this process, you keep telling the jailer that you are innocent. Paying no attention to your pleadings, the jailer impersonally grabs you by the arm and pulls you out the door. You struggle to walk because the chain connecting the leg irons is very short, forcing you to shuffle. The people in the hallway and on the walkway outside, stare at you with disdain in their eyes, but you can't see the fear in their hearts. Fear grips you a well, as you approach the steps to the gallows. You balk at the bottom of the stairs but the jailer pulls on you all the more harder, making you stumble up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, the jailer walks you over to a trap door and tells you to stand there. He pulls a black hood over your head and then gently places the thick hangman's noose around your neck and pulls it tight. You are now blind and more than just afraid. You are terrified. You contemplate your last few minutes on Earth and visions of your whole life parade in a kaleidoscope of images in your mind. In pure anguish, you think of what will happen to your wife and kids when you are gone. You let out a soft moan at the thought. How is it you find yourself in this situation, when all you had done was to speak out against the government? How did a once-free society find itself in a police state where every single unalienable right had been stripped from the people, one Amendment at a time? What happened to freedom, liberty and justice and the pursuit of happiness, the promise of our sacred Constitution? Was this Cuba? You say to yourself, "..... what happened to my individual rights? Why didn't someone fight for them?" As you finally accept your fate, you flinch as the jailer whispers something in your ear through the hood, but you can't believe what he is saying. He said he had been given the authority to grant clemency and that all I would have to do to be saved from the gallows was to denounce freedom and liberty. Nevertheless, I would still have to wear the handcuffs and leg irons whenever I was outside my cell, for the rest of my life. Knowing full well what the consequences of my next act would be, I rose up tall, took a deep breath and through the hood, told the jailer that without liberty, I might as well be dead. And then I said, in almost a scream, "Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death". To my utter surprise, the crowd around the gallows, who, in the beginning, looked on me with disgust, started to repeat my statement, chanting it over and over again. And each time their voices grew louder and louder. In an act of pure solidarity, somehow triggered by what I said, they rushed the gallows in unison, tore the guns from the guards and stopped the jailer as he was reaching for the lever that would open the trap door. I had been saved. I had been saved by an idea. I had been saved by a concept that is as old as civilization itself. I had been saved by the irresistible siren call of freedom. A few in the crowd removed the rope around my neck, lifted the hood off my head and then unlocked my shackles and chains. They led me down off of the gallows and lifted me up on their shoulders like a hero and marched me through the streets, as a sign of protest to the authorities. I was free at last and free because I took a stand against tyranny, even though it could have meant my death and the people who were witness to this injustice, finally realized they would also have to take a stand to protect their own freedom, if liberty was to prevail for they and future generations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes, of course, the foregoing was pure fiction, but it illustrates what can happen in a country when the leaders are free to do anything they want to do, because the people refused to hold the leaders accountable. But most people, faced with the choice of slavery or freedom, will seek freedom. Americans tore themselves away from the tyranny of England, at great cost. From that conflict arose the most powerful nation on Earth, conceived in liberty; a nation built on the recognition of the inviolate natural rights of man, but an idea left to rust in the history books....... for now. As Americans were freeing themselves from tyranny of King George the III, persecuted blacks from Africa and elsewhere around the world, were pressed into servitude and slavery by those who believed that blacks were less than human and were deserved of the treatment they received. Many were, indoctrinated and brainwashed by force, or were beaten, shot or hung, if they tried to run or resisted captivity. Even some of the Founding Fathers held on to the notion that blacks were not to receive the unalienable rights, as the gift from our creator, under our Constitution. They were wrong. It took a bloody civil war and then another 100 years before blacks were granted the rights of all other citizens. They paid a long and terrible, multi-generational price for a mindset that was based on a false premise, a premise that says that blacks were inferior to all other races and must be dominated. Some are still paying the price of left-over bigotry, even today. That was and is a terrible injustice. But a similar injustice is now being inflicted on all citizens of America in the name of more false premises; the black heart of socialism, the insane ideology of radical, cult-like environmentalism, the failed policy of multi-culturalism and finally, the propaganda, hype and the incarnate evil of globalism. America's sovereignty is in grave peril, like never before. If there were only a way for the cry, "Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death" to infect every man, woman and child in America and get them to rise up and storm the "gallows of politics and politicians" and tear that "gallows" down with the same vigor and determination that President Reagan told Gorbachov to "Tear Down That Wall." And this they must do before no man is safe from persecution for speaking out against a government, a government that is Hell bent on the systematic destruction of a free society, as is the government of America. Government's policies destroyed our financial system and government's outright socialist promotion of opening the flood gates for government-backed loans for those who could not afford those loans, instituted a corrupt behavior on Wall Street where the rules were, winner take all, while the money flowed. Corruption by government became Wall Street's role model, even though there is no excuse for them doing so. If comfort and security are more important than freedom and liberty, then we give our consent to be enslaved. If being entertained is more important than taking an active interest in what our governors have done and are doing, we deserve whatever those governors inflict upon us. Should we turn our heads away from our duty to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States and the freedom and liberty it guarantees, we perpetrate a grave injustice on our children and grandchildren, that we are supposed to care for, love and protect. Americans have three choices, if freedom and liberty are to be preserved; 1) replace the current leaders with new ones that will respect and defend the Constitution; or 2) in a wholesale, massive act of solidarity and protest in the spirit of a national Boston Tea Party, take away the "fuel" that drives those leaders who violate their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, our money; or lastly, 3) be prepared for a bloody civil war or revolution. The third choice is fraught with uncertainty and is the least likely to succeed. The current slate of Presidential or Vice Presidential candidates are clueless, as are most of the local, state and federal legislators that continue to lead us into financial oblivion and abject slavery, based on premises and policies far removed from the mandates of our constitution. We must ask why it is, throughout our entire civilized history, we find it necessary to always have to rest control by force, from our leaders who eventually go out of control? Will we never learn from history, that the price of liberty still is and always will be, eternal vigilance? We are 300,000,000 strong but are irreparably weakened by irrational division. We either come together and agree on sound economic and political principles, or we will disintegrate into chaos. The bottomless canyon we are about to fall into, is just over the next hill and there will be no rescue attempts, should we fall in. Before it is too late, we need to hear once again, all across this once-great land of ours, the rallying cry of our early ancestors that won our freedom at such a huge sacrifice; "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death." But those carrying this torch and making this cry, must know in detail, just what liberty really means. What the Founding Fathers laid out for us in our Constitution, was indeed, the design for individual liberty. What we have in America today is nothing more than a socialist collective and is the antithesis of liberty. We have let the ideologues take over this country, with the help of a government that supported them. If we want to take the country back, we are going to have to fight for it. Never have so many been so complicit in their own demise. Never has so many been so ignorant of the evil that lurks in the hearts of men of wealth, influence and power, when left to their own resources and without being held accountable for their actions by the people. Never have so many been so guilty of thinking that they can get something for free without paying a price. And the price they pay is their own enslavement. As was said several times in the movie "Forrest Gump", "Stupid is As Stupid Does". The question is, will the history books write America's epitaph with, "here lies the remains of a once-free, powerful nation, that died a wrenching death because of just plain stupidity?" If don't consider yourself stupid and agree with our assessment, let us hear from you so that we don't feel like the only thing we hear is the sound of our own echo, bouncing back to us from an empty canyon. If you don't want to see America die a slow, painful death, then let's build an army to save it. America is infected with several cancers; the cancers of abuse of power, corruption, greed and stupidity. Let's cut out these cancers with good old American courage and guts. We can do it! | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |