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June 13, 2008 | |
If Not Treason .......... What is It? | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright June 13, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U. S. Constitution in part, says: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. " The clause is quite specific and defines treason as only levying war against the United States, or in adhering to our enemies, or giving our enemies aid and comfort. But the clause is not specific on whether gross negligence, ineptitude or corruption by a citizen, politician or bureaucrat that gives aid and comfort to our enemies, could also be construed as treason. Still, the question remains. We know, or at least we believe, that our politicians, at any level of government in America, are not waging war on the United States. But there are many ways to wage war and to conquer a country. One way is to do it by stealth, as has been going on in America for 8 decades. Nevertheless, we have no choice but to question whether certain actions by federal, state and local legislators are adhering to our enemies and giving them aid and comfort. Congressmen and women that purposely prohibit Americans and American businesses from tapping the energy resources of the United States, leaving us vulnerable to being manipulated, blackmailed and coerced by our enemies, could fall into the category of adhering to our enemies and giving them aid and comfort. $135.00 per barrel of crude oil is certainly not a comfort to the American people and the politicians could have prevented this economic hurricane. A president, congress or supreme court judges that would issue executive orders, pass legislation, or render court decisions supporting treaties that violate our constitution can be construed as giving aid and comfort to our enemies, especially if those treaties were not subjected to open congressional and public debate and ratification, as required by the Constitution and otherwise adopted or passed in secret. A Congress that would not enable funding for our troops, when engaged in war, in some minds, would be guilty of giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Our ability to remain strong as a country is directly related to our economic stability and military strength. We would have lost World War II without that economic strength. Any legislative body that would pass draconian legislation that could lead to the economic downfall of America, as was just proposed by Democrats in the U. S. Congress, in a ludicrous, ill-conceived Cap and Trade bill that was based on the pseudo science of man-caused global warming, can have no other purpose than to provide a huge monetary windfall for government and severely weaken our economy, thus threatening our economic stability and military strength, if not our very sovereignty. Such an action by Congress can have only two possible rationales. One, a foreign agent has poisoned Washington DC's drinking water and the resident politicians have gone virtually berserk. Or two, there is a purposeful design to weaken the United States to lead us on a path to a one-world-order. The second rationale could only be construed as adhering to our enemies and giving them aid and comfort, a treasonous offense under Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U. S. Constitution. Decisions by the U. S. Congress lately, defy logic and reason, not to mention constitutional limits. But then the Congress and some presidents have been exceeding constitutional limits for 4 score and 10, so that is no great surprise. And the death of common sense in politics has become an axiom. But a logical question is, why is the American government purposely doing everything in their power to cut America off at her knees, while no such restrictions are being observed by any other country? All areas for drilling for oil, natural gas and mining coal on our sovereign lands are off limits. We cannot convert coal to oil. We cannot build any new hydro-electric, gas, coal or nuclear fired power plants and we can't build any new refineries. What possible reasons could justify such actions by our elected officials? So if the actions by our politicians are not treason .... what are they? The reasons could fall into a few categories. The first is a concerted attempt by certain factions (UN, European and U. S. socialists and radical environmentalists) to convince Americans that they are guilty of ravaging the Earth and there is no price too high for us to pay for our sins, no matter what the rest of the world is doing. We are in fact guilty and the penalty is self flagellation. We must give up our lifestyle, our wealth and our freedoms to suave our guilty conscience in order to save the Earth. In short, we must bow to the will of Gaia, or suffer dire consequences; consequences that are the fabrication of the government and the special-interest groups that lobby government. It is nothing more than a blatant act of government-induced mass hysteria. Is it giving aid and comfort to our enemies? Some might think so. Another reason is that the American people are so indifferent and apathetic that whatever the politicians do is just not on their radar screen. They could be sold down the river by their government and it would make no never mind to them, just so long as they had some income, their house, TV, car, boat or other "toy" with which to entertain themselves. Or, the reason could be that the 545 people that control America have literally lost all touch with reality. A fourth reason could simply be the lust for power. Power cannot be obtained without one or both of two things; a powerful military force for use against the people, or a constituency that will support the politician with sufficient money and votes to maintain his power and influence. Politicians have been quite successful in obtaining votes by robbing the public treasury to provide free gifts to gullible voters. The lobbyists have been quite successful in leveraging the weaknesses of the politicians (greed) with promises of votes and money, in return for political favors. But a fifth reason could be far more sinister. A concerted effort by national and international bankers, industrialists, power brokers and politicians to weaken America where she becomes finally vulnerable to the one-world-order. That could definitely be construed as adhering to and giving aid and comfort to our enemies, if the act to weaken America was an overt and intentional act by U. S. politicians, to the detriment of the American people and their sovereignty. It might also be construed by some as an act of war against the American people by their government, a treasonous act, as well. We would have to conclude that all of the reasons we have outlined above are partially or wholly responsible for many of the current actions of our government. However, what Americans have to watch out for is whether there is a covert (secret) action on the part of government to adhere to and give aid and comfort to our enemies and to take preventive action in time before the government is successful in finally defeating our freedom, liberty, property rights and giving away the very sovereignty of America. To return America to a Constitutional Republic after the fact, is too horrible to contemplate. CAUTION: Government at all levels has worked diligently over the last 4 or 5 decades to relieve you of your property rights through the egregious abuse of government's police powers, as sanctioned by U. S. and state supreme court decisions. As a result there has been an exponential rise in government agents coming on people's land (trespassing) for the purpose of gathering evidence to charge the landowner with environmental code violations. If the landowner does not respond fast enough to the alleged violations, the agents can accelerate the violation to a criminal offense where jail time becomes a real possibility. If you are a rural landowner and are tired of government agents coming on your land whenever they feel like it to gather evidence to penalize and fine you, you need our specialized NO TRESPASSING signs now. Log onto: www.narlo.org/sign.html. | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |