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June 21, 2008 | |
Invasion of the Mind Snatchers | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright June 19, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
Back in 1956 there was a science fiction movie entitled "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". A re-make of the movie was released in 1978. Both films were done fairly well and were a hit at the box office. For those of you unfamiliar with the film, "seeds" from outer space descended on America and started growing into fairly large, man-sized pods. Through some mechanism the pod would select a victim and when the victim was asleep, the pod would start giving birth to an exact replica of the sleeping victim and before he could awake, the replica took his place and the original body disintegrated. In the end, the newly constituted bodies acted as a collective, collecting pods from the fields where they were being cultivated and distributing them widely throughout the land, thereby propagating the invasion. If a person recognized the plan and what was going on, there was no escape. They were immediately pointed out, captured, put to sleep and their body replaced by the contents of a pod. At the end Kevin McCarthy, the lead actor in the original version, saw what was taking place and realized that there was no defense. The Earth was doomed. We see a significant and unsettling parallel in what is happening all over the world today, including the United States of America. But the pods don't take over bodies, they take over the minds of men, women and children by spewing lies, distortions, hype and propaganda, aided and abetted by the print and electronic media. The pods have already replaced all of the people in the United Nations, most of Europe, as well as the news media and they are acting as a collective to spread their social and radical environmental communist pods, world wide. Their goal is to eradicate freedom and liberty for the purpose of creating a society of robots that follow the invaders and infiltrators blindly into the one-world-order, a world designed by the invaders. The pod victims become the worker-bees in the "hive" that will carry the pods to every corner of the Earth and take over the minds of all men, women and children, but the target is especially those individuals who are free thinkers, crave liberty and are willing to fight for it, as was Kevin McCarthy's part in the movie. Every move by government now, in every country, is towards the collective and a way from the individual. Although America's Founding Fathers proclaimed that all of our individual rights were the unalienable gift from our creator, the invaders and the infiltrators are spreading the gospel of collectivism through our schools, colleges and government, at all levels, to eradicate those rights. Their "bible" is so-called social justice and environmental protection, as laid down in the United Nations scrolls and tablets with the title, Agenda 21. The "bible" of Agenda 21 now permeates all governmental bodies, including the U. S. President, the halls of congress, the entire judiciary and state and local legislative bodies. It is the very core of government bureaucracies. School and college text books have been duly altered to reflect the new paradigm of collectivism, as defined by social justice and environmental protection in the "bible" of Agenda 21. Even large corporations, businesses and churches are taking up the charge of "green". Socialism and radical environmentalism have been sewn into the very fabric of our society and even little children spout the propaganda of the "green" cult. To illustrate the brainwashing of our kids, here is a short story. A while back we taught a science lesson to 10-year olds once a week. One of our subjects was the weather. We know quite a bit about the weather because of our experience as a pilot. When we asked the students what four things effect the weather, thinking we would get answers like the Sun, ocean currents, humidity, jet streams and the like, we were taken back when the first suggestion by one of the kids was global warming and the second was man-made pollutants. The term brainwashed instantly came to mind. The basic premise of these pod invaders is that all humans are a stain on the Earth and must be regulated and taxed to keep them from harming themselves and the planet. They do not deserve freedom, much less property rights. To them, government is best suited to accomplish the task of enforcing the regulations, taxing the people, managing the land and water and saving Mother Earth. And government has grown to mean a small cadre of elite world individuals who control the money, the food, the water, the land and the energy (oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear). The rest of the 6.5 billion people are just pawns in the grand scheme of world domination. Unfortunately, the deed is done. The environmentalist's green seed and the resulting pods have been sewn all across the world and the pods are growing everywhere, just like in the movie. Un-planting the seeds, destroying the pods and re-programming the people is going to be a daunting task. One wonders if it is even possible, unless................? | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |