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June 28, 2008 | |
"The Dragon is Dining on Your Flesh!" | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright June 27, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
We become increasingly amazed and unnerved at the naiveté, ignorance and stupidity of most people of the Western world, including Americans, who drown in their own prosperity, having been hypnotized by the sly dragon, camouflaged as a benevolent government. They are in rapture and duped by political candidates who promise great gifts from government for free, gifts (our money) that the government doesn't even own. It is nothing more than a worst case scenario of socialism by the transfer of someone else's wealth by government edict, to someone else in return for their vote, so that the "givor" can remain in power, by "feeding" off of human weakness. "There is nothing government can give you that it hasn't taken from you in the first place." -- Winston Churchill England, a member of the European Union, is being hoisted on their own petard for having joined the Union in the first place. Subject: garbage. From an article in the New York Times, we learn that: "The citizens of Whitehaven, England try, really they do. They separate out their cans, their paper, their cardboard and their glass, and they recycle them all. They compost. They jump up and down on their trash to cram it into their government-issued garbage cans, and they put the trash out for collection at exactly 7 AM, twice a month. But Gareth Corkhill, a bus driver, was fined $215 - and given a further $225 fine and a criminal record when he failed to pay - for leaving his garbage-can lid slightly ajar one day this spring." Brits may have finally had enough of this "garbage" and are finally fighting back, by resisting, in significant numbers. Many have come to the aid of the hapless Mr. Corkhill. In the Ho Chi Min Socialist City of Seattle recently, city garbage officials convinced a bunch of homeowners to analyze their garbage and see how they could reduce it by recycling. The homeowners laid their smelly garbage out on tarps in the middle of the street and a city official went through their garbage to advise the homeowners on what could be recycled and what could be thrown in the garbage can. It was all played out on local TV, of course, with the little children, holding their noses from the smell and milling around their parents. After a couple a month or so, the homeowners had reduced their garbage significantly by following the "dragon's" instructions. How cooperative of them. Keeping the garbage stories in mind, we'll tell you a relevant story. My father worked in a steel-bending shop in his youth during the war. Two men would take a long rod of steel, one on each end, and run it against a post to bend it to a certain curve. One day the foreman had a contest to see who could bend the most amount of steel in the shortest period of time. So the naive workers got together in the spirit of competition and went to work bending steel at a quickened pace. When they were all done, the foreman awarded the winning team with a gift, or money, or something. He then made the winning team's record the standard for bending steel. If you didn't meet the standard, you were fired. So the dumb little homeowners just participated in a contest to determine the city standard for recycling garbage. Clever, those little dragons! Never mind the fact that a depression, 20 miles by 20 miles by 100 feet deep would handle all the garbage man produces in the United States for the next 100 plus years, without recycling. Such a depression equals over 1 trillion cubic feet, or 7.6 cubic miles. There are many such depressions available in America that could handle this kind of load and the technology to protect ground water is not rocket science. Economic recycling, where you get more back than you put in, makes sense. If recycling is not economical, then a normal, reasonable and prudent person recognizes that land fills are the most economic answer to man's garbage. Eventually, we will have the clean energy technology to vaporize our garbage and the problem of disposal will be a thing of the past. All around us, government, at all levels, is running little scams to trick us into some desired behavior for a nefarious cause demanded by a special interest group. Man-caused global warming, endangered species, illegal immigration, bio-fuels, ethanol from corn, the North American Union, the National Animal Index System, UN biospheres, conservation easements, wildlife corridors, smart growth, sustainable development and the one-world-order, are all names for government con games to relieve you of your freedom, your liberty, your money and your property. Like the dumb little idiots we are, we jump right into the game without a care and give the government what they want. Mindless robots! Good God people! Are there no "men" among you that can see through this sham that government plays on us every day to get us to behave in a certain socialist or radical environmentalist way? Is there no fierce independence left in a few of us to lead the others out of their blind capitulation? Are we now satisfied to "dance" on the strings of the government's puppet master, that eats out the heart of our self-reliance, independence, individual rights and our very freedom? The government, at all levels, camouflaged as a kind 'ole dragon, is literally eating on our flesh, while we think it is a massage by a voluptuous masseuse. How stupid can we be? Must we wait until we are all in chains before we finally get smart and the job to reclaim freedom is that much harder and that only violence will break those chains? Or, like Winston Churchill admonished: There may even be a worse case. We may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." For over four years now, we have been trying to alert folks to the camouflaged dragon and its intent to put you in a cage from which there is no escape, from whence the dragon can dine on your flesh whenever it likes. We are trying to get you to fight back and resist with all your might against the ravages of the dragon who will eventually devour you at will. Unfortunately, many now lie in the dragon's stomach having been converted into a sour mush that eventually finds its way out the backside of the dragon. If there be "men" among you, if you mean and say "give me liberty, or give me death, it is possible that "NAFFA" is what you have been looking for? | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |