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June 4, 2008 | |
What Do You Do When ...... ? | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright June 3, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
So what do you do when the rising prices for fuel and food are spiraling out of control and when the reason they are spiraling out of control is because of what government does, doesn't do, or won't allow to be done, in the interest of all Americans? What do you do when the federal government is talking right now about instituting cap and trade legislation for CO2 emissions that will run the price of fuel and food up even further, eliminating jobs and just possibly reduce America to a third-world country, on the way to government's ultimate goal, one-world-order? What do you do when the federal government, lobbied by the ever-present, incessant, out-of-control, radical environmental groups, declares the Polar Bear threatened, when in fact it isn't threatened at all and the hidden agenda for the declaration is for stopping construction or production of anything (ANWR, off-shore drilling, nuclear, coal and gas power generation, refinery construction, etc.) that might emit so-called greenhouse gases, like CO2, for the boogey man of so-called, man-caused global warming? (And further, that the declaration will lead to other declarations for other species, supposedly threatened or endangered, to accomplish the same purpose.) What do you do when the federal government, at the urging of environmental groups, is debating or has already passed legislation that will take control of every lake, river, stream, wetland, wet spot, or mud puddle in America, thus threatening, or altogether eliminating, constitutional property rights? What do you do when the federal government leaves our borders so porous that millions of foreigners come into the United States illegally every year and melt into the landscape, except when they need public services like schools, bilingual education, hospital emergency care, welfare and a host of other benefits that most Americans can't get and a government only too willing to give it to them and ignore existing laws that would remove the magnets for the illegal aliens to come here in the first place? And what do you do when that same government tries to sneak illegal alien amnesty in war-funding legislation, in the dark of night and without public scrutiny, debate, or vetting? (Oh, and productive Americans get to pay for all this gross negligence by our government. So much for their constitutional duty to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic.) What do you do when the government, at the urging of socialists and radical environmentalists, insert books and other curriculum material in the learning process, with the sole design of brainwashing and indoctrinating our children, creating the next generation of mindless idiots? What do you do when our Supreme and lower courts make decisions that patently violate either the U. S. or state constitutions and essentially legislate from the bench for extreme social or environmental purposes? What do you do when local, state and federal lawmakers raise their right hand and swear on solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the state constitution where they reside, and then systematically violate that oath every moment they are in office? To some of us, that is treason. What do you do when the federal government illegally enters into treaties by executive order (Law of the Sea Treaty, etc.) and makes agreements without ratification by Congress (North American Union) with other countries, or the United Nations, or the European Union, that has the effect of reducing, or eliminating American sovereignty? What do you do when the federal government, at the urgings of environmental groups, work by stealth, propaganda and perversion, to take over huge chunks of American land (including private land) for purposes of conservation, UN biospheres, or wildlife easements, using our tax money to do it? What do you do when your government, at all levels, takes your money from you by force, your hard work and sweat equity, in the form of taxes and turns around and gives that sweat equity to a person or persons (usually in the millions) for the purpose of buying votes to keep the "givers" of your money in office, but has the effect of reducing the recipients to wards of the government and stripping them of their pride, dignity, self-reliance and productivity? This is what most of the American people do! They continue to believe the hype, propaganda, lies, distortions and garbage that government shoves down their throats by any means and continue to elect presidents, legislators and judges, from either party, who extend their reign of terror, with the dedicated purpose of sending each of us deeper and deeper into the hole of abject socialism and radical environmentalism and strip us of our pride, dignity, self-reliance, productivity and our freedom. That's what most Americans do. "But the brutal reality is that only a ground swell of national outrage will reverse the course of socialism and environmental extremism in America and return us to a Constitutional Republic. We are 'WE THE PEOPLE' and we are the 'CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED', if and only if, we exercise, on a grand scale, our right, duty and obligation to be 'WE THE PEOPLE'." United we stand, divided we fall, and as a country, we are way too divided. How close is the precipice of our destruction? Exceedingly close. We reach thousands of Americans with our articles and essays almost every day, but each day we wonder if our efforts to awaken the American people to the imminent danger of their potential enslavement, add up to nothing more than blowing uselessly into the East Wind? We and a few others are dedicated to preserving, protecting and defending the constitution of the United States and its promise of freedom and liberty. Just think what we could do if the people would just give us the resources that would allow us to perfect that preservation, protection and defending of the document that literally stands between us and virtual slavery? We would be on their doorsteip and in every court in the nation in the defense of liberty. But billions of dollars are given to your enemy (government, socialists and radical environmental lobby groups that lobby and sue government to get what they want) with the final result being your enslavement. Most Americans stand idly by and let it happen. In open defiance of an out-of-control government that will send American freedom and sovereignty to the scrap heap ........ if we let them: We are increasing our carbon footprint! Who will join us? | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |