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July 15, 2008 | |
Thank God It Wasn't Me! | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright July 15, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
It has been fairly well documented that when a soldier on the front lines of battle, sees his buddy crumple into a limp and lifeless form after a bullet rips into his skull, the living soldier's first response in his mind is, "Thank God it Wasn't Me!". Now some soldiers, instead of retreating in abject terror from the loss of their buddy, get furious with the enemy and are catalyzed into action to defeat that enemy. From whence heroes are born. While still others retreat into the shadows and do everything possible to avoid engaging the enemy. From whence cowards show their hand. Well all around you are soldiers (your neighbors) falling to the "bullets" of government excesses. Their lives are being turned upside down, their assets being used up in fighting and their property being taken without due process, much less compensation. But what do many of us say when we learn of it? "Thank God it Wasn't Me" and then keep our heads down low so that government won't notice us and take away our rights, as they have done to our neighbors. Recently we learned of a landowner, who was not in violation of anything other than clearing a small ditch and burning some debris, has been railroaded in Kangaroo Court proceedings by an arrogant prosecuting attorney and a judge and was thrown in jail for over 60 days with a $100,000 cash bond for contempt of court because he had the audacity to challenge judicial authority and represent himself. He was totally denied due process, his motions went unheard, he was unable to even subpoena witnesses by the judge and it appears that the prosecuting attorney (and other government bureaucrats in the case) and the judge are guilty of gross prosecutorial misconduct, lying, manipulating the record and fraud of the highest order. Their all-to-apparent motive was to make an example out of this audacious landowner who dared to challenge unconstitutional environmental rules and the courts authority, based on common law and the Supreme Law of the Land. To this day the threat of jail and more fines continues to hang over his head. But if thousands of his neighbors stood up for him, the prosecuting attorney and the court would have to back down. Unfortunately, the thousands won't stand up for him, so he and his wife will become just another victim of an out-of-control government who is Hell bent on relieving us of our money, our rights and our property. But hey; "Thank God it Wasn't Me!". Right? In a local newspaper, an article appeared that a small suburban city had filed a resolution against a property rights initiative. A clear and glaring example of GOVERNMENT against WE THE PEOPLE. How dare WE THE PEOPLE try to regain the power of the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, as granted to us by our own Federal and State Constitutions? What audacity, what arrogance we must have, to challenge the KING. But WE THE PEOPLE don't have any rights. Only the government has rights. And that is certainly true unless we CLAIM and DEFEND our rights. But we must ask, why do we have to pass an initiative to uphold a right we already have under our Constitution? Why indeed! So let us sum it up, just in case our message isn't crystal clear. Politicians, legislators, commissioners, councils, boards, committees, bureaucracies, courts, judges, attorneys, at all levels, (government) the social and radical environmental groups that lobby government and the news media that supports them, have formed a very powerful and malevolent alliance against WE THE PEOPLE. They use our money and the power that is derived from our money and they use the power of the press to impose their executive, legislative and judicial, unconstitutional, dictatorial rule to enlsave us. They thwart us at the executive level, they thwart us at the legislative level, they thwart us at the bureaucratic level and they thwart us at the judicial level. Anyone who cannot see this is totally blind. Until we recognize the "enemy", and are determined to right the wrongs that government perpetrates upon us daily, we are powerless to defeat that enemy. The enemy, is well organized, wealthy, powerful and politically influential and they are getting the job done. They are enslaving us and we are standing by and letting them do it. If we continue with the mindset that, "Thank God It Wasn't Me!" when one of our neighbors becomes a victim of government abuse, eventually it will be one of us and all the other folks who are saying, "Thank God It Wasn't Me!", won't be coming to our aid and we will have to fight Goliath all alone, just like the hapless landowner we described above. There was a time when neighbor came to the rescue of neighbor from a common threat, like floods, fire and natural disasters. Why then will we not come to the rescue of our neighbors who are under the common threat of an out-of-control, arrogant and abusive government? How many events will it take before the heroes among us, who grow weary of their relatives, friends, neighbors and associates continuing to fall victim to government's "bullets", finally come bubbling up out of the mud and the fog and wrestle control to where it belongs, with WE THE PEOPLE and the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED? Perhaps, finally, after decades of abuse, some brave Americans, instead of hiding in fearful obscurity, will get furious with the enemy and will be catalyzed into action to defeat that enemy. From whence heroes are born. Or is it possible that we are doomed to where the preponderance of us say, "Thank God It Wasn't Me!", retreat into the shadows and do everything possible to avoid engaging the enemy? From whence cowards show their hand. But as a long history has proven, the heroes among us must always bear the cowards on our backs, to right a wrong or defend freedom and liberty. NARLO knows what to do to peacefully take back control from this government by the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED? If you are one of those heroes, you owe it to yourself to check us out. "If you are on a train and it is constantly picking up speed, headed for a sharp curve, where derailment and catastrophe is assured, do you individually jump off the train, or do you get the passengers on the train to use their combined energy to overwhelm the engineer and stop the train before the curve? Jumping off, or stopping the train, is going to be the lesser of two very difficult choices. Even so, the train may have to crash and those who survive the crash may be left to pick up the pieces and start over. Let us hope and pray we can stop the train before the curve. The hard fact is, we are stuck on the train, so let us do as did the passengers on Flight 93, storm the cockpit, overwhelm the evil pilot and take control of the plane. At least they, as brave Americans, tried. Can we do no less?" Ron Ewart | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |