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July 7, 2008 | |
Surrender Unto Me, The Little Children! | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright July 7, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
The title of this article emanates from biblical sources surrounding the life of Jesus, but what we mean here is far removed from any biblical connotations. Children are like clay, you can mold them into anything you want; good, just men, or murders, killers and thieves, provided you start early enough in their life, like at birth, or in their formative years in the elementary, middle and high school grades. Hitler was very aware of this fact and established what was called "Hitler's Youth". The Hitler Youth was a logical extension of Hitler's belief that the future of Nazi Germany was its children. The Hitler Youth was seen as being as important to a child, as school was. Nazi education schemes part fitted in with this but Hitler wanted to occupy the minds of the young in Nazi Germany even more. Movements for youngsters were part of German culture and the Hitler Youth had been created in the 1920's. By 1933 its membership stood at 100,000. After Hitler came to power, all other youth movements were abolished and as a result the Hitler Youth grew quickly. In 1936, the figure stood at 4 million members. In 1936, it became all but compulsory to join the Hitler Youth. Youths could avoid doing any active service if they paid their subscription but this became all but impossible after 1939 because of the war. (taken from www.hitlerlearningsite.co.uk) Most Americans are unaware what the Federal Government has done and is doing to America's youth, is tantamount to what Hitler did during his rise to power. You can decide if the motives of the American government are any different than that of Hitler's. Quite by accident we researched a Washington State House Bill (HB 2579 - 2005 legislative session) that mandated the teaching to children of 5th through 8th grades, the U. S. Constitution and how the U. S. Government works, purportedly as lessons in civics. We wondered why? In the legislation, two text books were mentioned as being required for study. The first was "WE THE PEOPLE" and the second was "PROJECT CITIZEN". Upon a brief review of the subjects we found that the texts and supporting literature kept mentioning the term "Constitutional Democracy" and yet anyone familiar with our American History knows full well that America was created as a "Constitutional Republic". You won't find any mention in the text books of a Constitutional Republic. But the distinctions are significant to American freedom and liberty. A Constitutional Democracy gives the majority absolute power and creates what has been called an "Absolute Democratic Monarchy", very similar to what American government has evolved into today. But a Constitutional Republic protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority, the well-defined design of the Founding Fathers. At first we thought these were text books created for the state of Washington, but to our surprise it turns out they are published by the Center for Civic Education (CCE), a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO), that is almost wholly funded by the United States Government. The federal government took control of the curriculum in our schools in 1994, with the passage of three bills. The "Goals 2000 Educate America Act", the "School-to-Work (STW) Opportunities Act", and the "ESEA reauthorization Bill" (the infamous H. R. 6) The people who designed the 1994 laws knew what they were doing. They put part of the package in one law, part of it in another law, and the remainder in the third law. The language in Goals 2000 states about 20 times that everything is "voluntary." But H.R. 6 says that, if a state doesn't comply, it will lose all its federal education money. These bills and laws are deliberately deceptive. Like so many federal laws in today's government, they filter down to state and local levels because of the leverage the federal government has over the purse strings. Comply or lose federal dollars. Hardly a voluntary program. None of the states are independent enough to resist federal black mail. This brings us back to the Center for Civic Education (CCE). CCE has been authorized by federal law to determine the federal curriculum in civics and government. Under H. R. 6, CCE is being funded with our tax money. There was no public bids for publishing these text books. So one company, whose board of directors and advisors lean heavily towards the left's agenda, is determining what is being taught to our children in public schools about how our government works, mandated by federal law and then followed up by enabling state law, as the State of Washington has done. The curriculum is further implemented by tailoring testing to the new paradigm. An article by Professor Allen Quist was written in March of 2002 outlining how this infiltration of the federal government into our education system came about. We strongly encourage you to read it. The link to the article is: www.eagleforum.org/educate/2002/mar02/focus.shtml. We have borrowed some information from that article for this one. Every day, as we search deeper and deeper into the bowels of the operations of our government, at every level, we find a premeditated effort by government to dismantle American constitutional law, American culture, American sovereignty, American freedom, American liberty and American property rights. As we connect the dots with the accumulation of more information, we can come to no other conclusion that this being done with malice aforethought and a specific one-world-order agenda by an elite cadre of international and national individuals who have designs on manipulatng all of the humans on this planet, by controlling the food, the water, the energy and mineral resources, and the land. America cannot survive as a sovereign, free nation with this continuous and draconian assault on our sacred institutions of liberty, by our own government, while the "Consent of the Governed" stands idly by and does nothing. Unless the people wake up to what is being done to them by stealth and by traitors to the American experiment with freedom, that experiment will disappear into the opaque dust of history, as have all other such experiments since the dawn of human civilization. The people will one day awake to the chains that have been wrapped around their feet, their ankles, their necks and their very way of life, and they will be the "property" of the government. It is the explicit goal of the National Association of Rural Landowners to awaken the masses and encourage them to take action, before it is too late. We will be conducting further research into these programs and text books that are being published by CCE, as mandated by federal and state law. We intend to get to the bottom of this government conspiracy to control and mold our children by brainwashing and indoctrination to a mindset that is without question, un-American. Stay tuned. "Surrender unto me, the little children, for they will be the leverage and the means to enslave their parents and all future generations." Ron Ewart | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |