July 9, 2008
An Assault on Liberty by Educated Idiots
by Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
Copyright July 9, 2008- All Rights Reserved
Perhaps the question should be, how many educated idiots can a free society tolerate before they "think" us into slavery? Colleges are pumping out so-called educated individuals to be assimilated by society in a whole host of different disciplines; scientists, mathematicians, doctors, dentists, psychiatrists, psychologists, engineers, political scientists, educators, teachers, administrators, lawyers and God knows what else. Some of these disciplines actually produce individuals who accomplish something good for society. But many do not. Many suck up tax dollars for studies and research on nefarious issues, with no redeeming purpose.

Now given the fact that just about every college in America and the professors that teach at those colleges, come equipped with a significant liberal bias, it isn't difficult to conclude that the students being run through the college mill will most likely come out of those colleges with a significant liberal bias of their own. As proof, we have a close friend who is decidedly conservative. He sent all three of his children through college, at considerable expense. All three have been indoctrinated with a socialist and "green" bent .... liberals all. It has made discussion around the dinner table during holidays, somewhat strained, if not awkward.

One of the methods in which to propagate an idea, is to teach the "idea" to school-age children. Many dictators, socialists and communists were and are well aware of this method of brainwashing an entire culture, to keep them under control, without the use of physical force. Unfortunately, the United States Government has succumbed to this method as well, by literally taking over and dictating the curriculum of our public school system. Two of the areas of their direct involvement are creating National Standards for History and the teaching of the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of rights.

In our research of a federally-mandated program that teaches the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights to K-12 school-age children, we uncovered some alarming information. First, the publisher of the text books that are used in these programs, is wholly funded by the Federal Government. An obvious conflict of interest. Second, these expensive text books were never put out for bid and the publisher, the Center for Civic Education (CCE) is totally responsible for the content of the text books, in addition to being paid handsomely for printing and distributing them. You can imagine just how many of these text books would be required with a federally-mandated program and they aren't cheap. CCE is reaping huge profits from this endeavor, in which only they get to participate. In addition, with all that money they make, they can and do lobby the Congress for even more money, which they get.

So we decided to dig deeper into who runs the CCE organization. What, if any, are their biases or leanings? What we found was even more alarming than the obvious conflict of interest. Out of 28 members of the Board of Directors, ten were attorneys or judges, nine were educators and five we were unable to determine their profession or their bias. One educator was a past member of the Council on Foreign Relations, one was an environmental attorney, one was a former head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service who eventually became a director of Human Rights First. Three Board members had decided Latino leanings. Almost all of them are from the "left" coast state of California.

But there is more disturbing information about who provides council to CCE. We checked out the National Advisory Committee and low and behold we found another cadre of individuals and politicians whose political affiliations fall on the left side of the aisle. The nearest thing we could find to a conservative in the group was Senator Orin Hatch of Utah. But the usual suspects were there. Senator Diane Feinstein CA, Senator Edward Kennedy MA, Senator Patty Murray WA and a whole gaggle of other liberal types to round out the mix.

Funding is always an issue because funding can dictate the direction of where a group is headed. Most philanthropic contributors put strings on their grants or they only grant money to organizations that support their biases. We dug into the group and funders of the National Standards on History program, again mandated by the Federal Government. What we found substantiated what we have suspected all along. A condition wherein high-paid, over-educated idiots get together in a room and by consensus come up with a plan or program that fits the general bias of the group and those who fund the group. In researching some of these foundations that provide funds we found the conditions for their grants included a one-world-order, world view for most subjects. Multiculturalism was a main them. Three of those funding organizations are the Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Spencer Foundation. Check them out on Google and read their mission statements.

The net result of all these educated idiots coming together and planning our future and the future of our children is "painted" by issues that do not include American sovereignty, American freedom, American liberty, American property rights, American capitalism or American free markets, much less a true representation of our U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. However, what is included is European and United Nations style socialism, multiculturalism and radical environmentalism. Perhaps that is why these so-called educators teach our form of government as a "Constitutional Democracy" instead of what it truly is, a "Constitutional Republic". The distinctions between the two are considerable.

Should the educated idiots from our colleges, and our corrupt politicians, continue to rule education, politics and policies, America's days of freedom are numbered.

But then there is an alternative. Freedom can still be re-captured. All it takes is enough Americans who truly believe in freedom to rise up and take control of their government, as the "Consent of the Governed" is supposed to do. The question is, are their enough Americans to do the job? Take heart. The number is rising every day.

A freedom not defended, is a freedom lost. The defense of freedom, liberty and property rights is what the National Association of Rural Landowners is all about.

Ron Ewart, President
A powerful non-profit organization, representing and defending the rights and
interests of the American rural landowner

Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights
and returning this great land called America, to a Constitutional Republic.

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11 Western States.  Or a car, truck, boat, trailer, airplane, or an ORV, snowmobile or jet ski,
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