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September 17, 2008 | |
The Simple Solutions | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright September 13, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
How did we manage to let life and the solutions to our individual and collective problems become so complicated? How is it that only politicians can take the laws of physics, economics and the principles of freedom and liberty and screw them up so badly? Do we have a national or sovereignty death wish? Do we value freedom so little that we will cast it aside for security, political expediency, a socialist agenda, a very costly radical environmental mindset, or a one-world-order that bears no relation to the individual rights under our constitution? Have we become so naive, ignorant, self-absorbed and apathetic that we would succumb to the propaganda from government, where a handout from them, or a new law, carries with it the handcuffs of slavery? Name a problem and there is, believe it or not, a fairly simple solution. Take illegal immigration for example. The solution is first to enforce current law and severely punish employers that employ illegal aliens. Make employers responsible for determining the nationality of each worker. The second solution is to quit messing around and build a fence. Then put the U. S. Army on the border to protect it, completely, with the threat of physical force for violators. The third is cut off social, educational and medical benefits to illegal aliens across the board. This removes the magnets that attract them here in the first place and puts up a significant barrier and disincentive to cross the border. None of these three solutions are complicated and we didn't have to write new laws or grant amnesty to those who break our laws. Screw compassion. Would we give a known burglar the keys to our home along with everything in the refrigerator because we feel sorry for him? Hardly! Then let's take energy. How did we ever get to a point where we are buying 70% of our oil from foreign countries who are run by dictators that we are making rich beyond their wildest dreams and who hate our very guts? They must laugh behind our backs, all the way to the bank. They must really think we are dumb and of course they are right. Why are we dumb? Because we were sold an international-driven, radical environmental bill of goods that bears no relation to truth. Man is not causing global warming from CO2 emissions, or the burning of fossil fuels. This is fact, not theory. Therefore, all the exhaust from our gasoline-powered cars are not killing the planet, as they would have us believe. Can and should we work to make our cars economically cleaner? Of course! The simple solution ........ We have more than enough oil on our own shores within our economic and environmentally sensitive grasp to meet our daily needs and be free of foreign blackmail. Drill for it now and put it in our cars as rapidly as we can. Build more refineries to process that oil. Cut gasoline grades down to about five, no more. Build nuclear and natural gas fired power plants. Convert coal to oil. Stop subsidies for ethanol and other uneconomic idiotic solutions and let them die a rapid death before these boon doggles drive our taxes up dramatically and drive our food prices out of reach of the average family, where we end up going hungry so a radical environmentalist or a government employee can feel good about him or herself for "saving the planet". And stop this crazy idea of conserving energy. We don't need to conserve, we have all the energy we need, if we will just go get it. We need to expand our opportunities and horizons, not limit them. Limits are for losers and whiners. Of course we need to continue working on economic energy solutions to replace crude oil. And in spite of what the so-called experts tell you, we are no where near "peak" oil. But new, economic technology will come along if we just let the power of our industry and capitalism operate efficiently and without impediments and constant second-guessing from an out-of-control, heavy-handed, stupid government that screws up everything it touches. How about welfare? Remove the subsidies for everyone, except those who demonstrate that they can't take care of themselves. Any person with two arms, two legs and a functioning brain, in good health, does not need a government subsidy. Once and for all, let's wean those folks off the government teat and let them learn to stand on their own two feet. Sure it can be tough but we will grow stronger as a nation and stronger as individuals if we do. Phase out Medicare, Medicaid and social security over the next 10 to 15 years and get people to plan for their medical care and retirement using private markets. If they don't plan, then tough. They are on their own. The greatest incentive to responsibility, self-reliance and self-sufficiency is an empty wallet or a hungry stomach. This country is headed for the sheer cliff of bankruptcy if we don't. If America goes bankrupt, you can kiss freedom and liberty goodbye. In the ensuing chaos, your all-benevolent government will just declare martial law and suspend the constitution. But then, they already have, haven't they? Our educational system has become a monumental, propaganda-driven mess. Our kids are being indoctrinated by a curriculum that has been designed by government socialists, radical environmentalists and the multi-cultural crowd. We must return our public schools to LOCAL control immediately and get the state and the Feds out of it before it is too late. Teach facts, not political correctness. Teach real truth, not propaganda. Teach our kids how to think, not how to memorize. And above all, teach them unabashed individualism. Teach them about individual rights and our Constitutional Republic form of government and why freedom is the best environment in which to solve our problems. Socialism, communism, radical environmentalism, the one world order, multi-culturalism and collectivism will, in the end, destroy us. We are free individuals, not robots, unless we let these educated idiots take over every aspect of our lives. Enterprising individuals will solve our problems, one by one, if given a FREE hand to do it. All these "isms" will just rob us of our individual, creative power. Now let's take a look at terrorism. The solution is really quite easy. Simply tell every country that harbors terrorists that end up attacking the United States from their country by one or more of their citizens, will face swift and violent military action. Period. They either police their own terrorist or suffer the consequences. That is what we did before to protect Americans and American interests. One of our wiser presidents said; "Talk softly, but carry a big stick" It's about time his policy was put back into practice. Finally, one of the simple solutions is to start holding government officials, in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, accountable by punitive actions that include lawsuits, recalls and impeachment. If they violate the constitution, and they always are, there must be a price to pay, or there is no deterrent from them continuing to do so. As part of that solution, we need to look for and encourage men and women of principle to run for office and support them with our words, deeds and dollars. There will always be problems that emanate from natural or man-made events. But intelligent, innovative, creative people, operating under the banner of constitutional freedom, will always find a solution (and usually a fairly simple one) to those problems, if they are free to seek out those solutions. But if we continue to allow special interest groups and government, at any level, to get in our way, then solutions to problems will always be complicated and always carry with them a huge, totally unnecessary price tag. In a recent article we said this: "The only answer is not in complexity, but in simplicity and fewer laws. Yes, a complex society needs laws to maintain "reasonable" societal order. But as laws increase, after a certain point, order begins to breakdown under its own weight, as people try to comply with often conflicting and confusing laws, codes, ordinances, regulations and acts. And worse, the more laws there are, the more opportunities for emotionally and financially draining lawsuits between aggrieved parties, egged on by lawyers who make their living off of human weaknesses and interpreting laws that no one else can understand." "There is an inviolate law in nature. Complexity in organisms can lead to the emergence of order. Biological evolution and diversity on Earth is a result of that law. However, it has also been shown that too much complexity in these organisms, in almost all cases, leads to chaos and finally extinction." "Ultimately, if we continue on the path we tread, we will become as a rogue spider, spinning a web from which we shall be forever entangled. Could that be our final destination? Are we to choke on and become entrapped by our own obsessive/compulsive drive to complexity, or can we learn from the laws of nature?" We either look for simple, economic solutions and vigorously defend our freedom, liberty and property rights, or we may just go extinct as a free country, or worse, even as a species. Check out the 18 principles of the National Association of Rural Landowners, that are patterned after the U. S. Constitution and represent a blue print for simple solutions to our individual and collective problems. Log onto: http://www.narlo.org/18principles.html. | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |