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September 22, 2008 | |
What Does It Take To Get You Mad? | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright September 21, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
Good God Folks! What does it take to get you mad? What does it take to get you to rise up and say enough is enough? When will you stop capitulating to the inept, negligent and corrupt managers of your money, your property and your freedom? If you had a money and property manager that was doing as bad a job as your government is doing and is as corrupt as they are, you would have fired them long ago, sued them for everything they had and then filed criminal racketeering charges against them for corruption and fraud. We are where we are today because for generations, too many good, intelligent Americans sat around and watched their own financial destruction and watched as freedom, liberty and property rights evaporated before their very eyes. They watched as their leaders took apart the Constitution one article and one amendment at a time. It's almost as if we were in the electric chair and pulled the switch ourselves that collectively electrocuted us. We have essentially committed national suicide by our inaction, apathy and disinterest. And we call that smart? Another word comes to mind. We aren't free Americans anymore, with unalienable rights under a Constitutional Republic. We are serfs and our lives, our earnings, our property and our liberty are owned by Government, special interest groups, giant corporations, Wall Street and every Tom, Dick and Mary who have their hands in our back pockets because they are poor, or lack good judgment. And because they are poor or lack good judgment, they have an absolute right to your hard work and sweat equity. After all, government tells them they are poor and forgives them for their bad judgment. And government tells us, the taxpayers, that these folks are poor and therefore that is government's rationale for taking our money, by force and transferring it to those who are poor, or lack good judgment. How many of you have failed in business due to negligence, inexperience, market down turns, or just plain bad luck? Or how many of you have lost a job to such an occurrence? Who bailed you out? No one. If you are struggling right now to pay the bills and you are paying the bills, who is going to give you a helping hand. No one. But now, on top of your own bills, you get to pay for corporations and Wall Street's negligence and bad judgment. Now you get to pay because a million idiots bought a house they couldn't afford, aided and abetted by your own government's policies that provided incentives to people, mortgage brokers and banks for handing out loans to people who couldn't pay them back. That's fair, isn't it? Of course it's not fair, it's stupid. It's criminal! Because a person is poor or exercises bad judgment does not give them a right to the fruits of our labors. Because a person is poor or exercises bad judgment does not give the government the right to take money from us, by force, and turn it over to someone else. That is Marxism, socialism and communism. Because a large company or financial institution is on the brink of bankruptcy, or already bankrupt, due to negligence, bad judgment or corruption, does not give them a superior right to your life, labor, liberty and property. Because a large company is going broke does not give the government the right to take your money and hand it over to the broke company, to save them from, or pull them out of bankruptcy. That's elitism and cronyism. That's backroom deals. That's a dictatorship! For the government to do this, they have violated the sacred bonds of our constitution. For any politician or government officer to agree to this, they have violated their solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. That folks, is treason. We have been down this road before, way too many times. During the Reagan administration, in the early 1980's, the government passed laws to provide tax incentives to those investors who would invest in constructing office buildings and retail centers, to stimulate the economy. So what happened? A building boom ensued for office buildings and retail centers that were not based on sound economic principles and market demographics. In just a few short years the totally predictable, disastrous result was empty office buildings (called see-through buildings) with no tenants and retail centers with no shoppers. The buildings and retail centers failed and the lenders, mostly savings and loan banks and the unwise investors who were suckered into this government-instituted Ponzi scheme, took a major financial hit. The government's reaction to save the Savings and Loan Institutions was the Resolution Trust Corporation. Just another large government bureaucracy to suck up more taxpayer dollars to manage an abject financial failure, created by government in the first place. Does the term deja vu come to mind? We never seem to learn from our mistakes. AXIOM: Everything that government touches, in violation of the constitution, turns into a stinking pile of manure! What has transpired over the last week is nothing short of the tip of many icebergs that lie in our path and the good ship America/Titanic has struck the first iceberg and is sinking. With only one hole in her side, we might save her. But with the next looming iceberg on our horizon, that we will surely not be able to avoid, will definitely sink her. That iceberg is the Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security insanity, created by the socialists that gave us the New Deal, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Great Society and a zillion other federal, state and local programs that were built on quicksand and unfunded promises. These icebergs were deliberately manufactured by the failed and fiscally negligent policies of liberals (Democrats) who played on human weakness, for the sole purpose of buying votes to stay in power. Clever these little socialists! Unfortunately, nothing is going to change until the grass roots that are paying the freight for all this folly, negligence and corruption, rise up, en masse and quit funding this criminal enterprise, fire the perpetrators and replace them, or rest control from them. If that does not take place and soon, there is only one alternative left, if freedom and liberty are to be maintained. For far too long a bought-off, naive minority and aggressive special interests that are both dreadfully wrong, and the politicians who give that minority and the special interests their power, have controlled the political scene. On this path, America's destruction is all but assured. Once again we must reiterate: "OUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER US: The first power that government has over us is OUR perception that OUR money is their money and government can spend it anyway they like. The second power that government has over us is by using the money they take from us by force and unconstitutionally transfer it to someone else, with no obligation to pay it back. The third power that government has over us is that we will religiously obey their laws, even if those laws are in direct violation of our Constitution." "Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to "feed" a growing population of other people (including illegal aliens, corporations and Wall Street) dipping their wide-open mouths in the government "pig trough" and those "takers" voting for or contributing to, those very same politicians who take our tax money by force to keep the "trough" full; only when the people realize that our government is using our tax money to merge America into the one-world-order and sell our sovereignty; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this insanity is to resist government in every legal way possible. Perhaps then, constitutional freedom will be in our grasp." The question for all of us is, will we, who fund this sinking ship and who know better, allow America to strike the remaining icebergs without lifting a finger to change course? We are lifting a finger. Why don't you join us? | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |