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September 8, 2008 | |
Change...! | |
by Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners Copyright September 4, 2008- All Rights Reserved | |
There are many definitions for the word "Change". From the dictionary we get: 1. To make different in form 2. To transform. 3. To become altered or modified, etc. etc. etc. But when a politician uses the word "change", he or she may mean something entirely different. In almost every case, they are talking about "social change". There are almost as many definitions for "social change" as there are people. But in general "social change" means: "change in social structure: the nature, the social institutions, the social behavior or the social relations of a society, or a community of people. Or any event or action that affects a group of individuals that have shared values or characteristics. Or acts of advocacy for the cause of changing society in a normative way. "Normative" meaning, "of or pertaining to a 'norm' or 'standard'". Herein lies the rub. What is normal and standard to one individual or a group of individuals, may be entirely different for another individual, or group of individuals. For example, the norm or standard for social change between liberals and conservatives are diametrically opposed to each other. On the one hand, liberals believe that government is the keeper, creator, modifier and provider of all social benefits for the masses and the masses have an absolute right to those social benefits, even though no such rights exist, except in their minds, promoted by liberals. For those liberals who have their hand out to government for whatever government will "give" them (on the back of the American taxpayer of course) one can see how easily they could buy into this definition of "social change". What we have described here is the "change" that presidential candidate Obama and his running mate are speaking about and fraudulently luring helplessly misguided voters. In fact, this idea of social change that Obama and the liberals espouse, was laid down by socialist Karl Marx in one statement: "from those with the greatest capability, to those with the greatest need". This statement hardly represents a Constitutional Republic, the vision of the Founding Fathers, from which we have strayed so far. However, in contrast, the conservative idea of the role of government in "change", is that government should have no such social role and in fact the Constitution, to which politicians swear on sacred oath to preserve, protect and defend, gives them no such authority. Consequently, "change" to the conservative means returning to constitutional limits on government, less involvement by government in the lives and property of the American people and a dramatic increase in individual responsibility and self-reliance by the people. In addition, the conservative believes that government's only duty is to preserve, protect and defend the unalienable, God-given, individual rights of the people and to further protect them from all enemies, foreign and domestic, pursuant to the mandate of our constitution. Protecting us from all enemies, foreign and domestic notwithstanding, they have failed miserably in their duty to preserve, protect and defend our individual, God-given, unalienable rights and have unconstitutionally increased their power over the people, exponentially. Liberals believe in the "collective", while conservatives believe in the absolute and natural rights of the "individual". The sad reality is, as long as people can petition their government for "gifts" and "free handouts" and as long as politicians pander to those people by unconscionably "stealing" the hard-earned money of the producers of America to answer those petitions, nothing is going to "change", for the better. If anything, the unintended consequences of this policy will eventually send us into bankruptcy, from which we may never recover. It is abundantly clear that we will not return to freedom, liberty and property rights. We will however, move unrelentingly towards socialism and enslavement. If the liberal idea of "social change", as described by socialist Karl Marx, is allowed to prevail, the job of ever returning America to its roots as a Constitutional Republic becomes much more difficult with each passing year. So much more difficult that there may be only one final resolution, if freedom and liberty are to survive in its original American form for all future generations. But here is the reality that we must face: "OUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER US: The first power that government has over us is OUR perception that OUR money is their money. The second power that government has over us is by using the money they take from us by force, against us. The third power that government has over us is that we will religiously obey their laws." "Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to "feed" a growing population of other people (including illegal aliens) dipping their wide-open mouths in the government "pig trough" and those "takers" voting for those very same politicians who take our tax money by force to keep the "trough" full; only when the people realize that our government is using our tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this insanity is to resist government in every legal way possible, or there will only be one alternative left to them. Perhaps then, constitutional freedom will be in our grasp." Check out our new book entitled, "A Dark, Ominous Cloud, Hangs Over Liberty" at www.narlo.org/cloud.html. | |
Ron Ewart, President Dedicated to restoriing, maintaining and defending private property rights P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027 WE'RE REALLY COUNTING ON YOU TO HELP US CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. | |
Good Neighbor Committee | Good Neighbor Law© 2006 | | |