November 26, 2007


You stay up for 16 hours

He stays up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up.

He goes days or weeks without running water.

You complain of a 'headache', and call in sick.

He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.

You put on your anti war/don't support the troops
shirt, and go meet up with your friends.

He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.

You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.

He clutches the cross hanging on his chain
next to his dog tags.

You talk trash about your 'buddies' that aren't with you.

He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.

He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is.

He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off
his helmet to wipe his brow.

You go out to lunch, and complain because
the restaurant got your order wrong.

He doesn't get to eat today.

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.

He wears the same things for weeks, but
makes sure his weapons are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone.

He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today.

You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.

He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.

You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.

He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.

He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.

You roll your eyes as a baby cries.

He gets a letter with pictures of his new child,
and wonders if they'll ever meet.

You criticize your government, and say
that war never solves anything.

He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their
own people and remembers why he is fighting.

You hear the jokes about the war, and
make fun of men like him.

He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.

You see only what the media wants you to see.

He sees the broken bodies lying around him.

You are asked to go to the store by your parents.
You don't.

He does exactly what he is told even
if it puts his life in danger.

You stay at home and watch TV.

He takes whatever time he is given to call,
write home, sleep, and eat.

You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows,
and get comfortable.

He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars
and helicopters all night long.

If you don't support your troops well, then don't send this out. You won't die in 7 days, your love life won't be affected, and you won't have the worst day ever. You don't have to email this. It's not like you know the men and women that are dying to preserve your rights.
Don't compare your life with others.....
You have no idea what their journey is all about.
A perspective on the war - from an actor in Los Angeles
Thanks for the photos of soldiers "Perspectives." The part I agree with is the not comparing ourselves with other peoples lives, as we all have our own journey. I do feel that emails like this  generalizes a complicated problem. This  is more complicated then solders vs. protesters or left vs. right. I fully support those men and women serving over there and for that reason I feel it is in everyone's best interest to get them home ASAP. Over 1 million Iraqi's have been killed since we started our occupation not to mention the close to four thousand U.S Troops. Sadam was a tyrant but he was able to govern Iraq with Smoke and mirrors. It is amazing that he was able to keep the Sunnis and the Shiites from the civil war they are marred in now.  This war is so complicated. I have been to 2 dozen anti-war protests since this war has started and have never seen anyone with a kill a soldier T-shirt. In fact every anti-war protestor I have met deeply supports the troops and many have connections to people serving there now. I was shocked to hear that the desertion rate in the military is higher then its ever been in history. I know that this isn't a pro war email it's just that both the left and the right sometime try to simplify things into making us think that if you don't support the war you hate the troops  or if you do support the war you're for killing innocent Iraqi's.  It's just not that simple. Never the less thank you for the email.

Mikey R

Dear Michael,
Your comments are so articulately stated that I'm requesting your permission to post on

What is really appreciated, is your offering... "made me think," as thinking is also one of my favorite things to do.
It is my personal belief that most people will make good decisions - if they're given all and un-edited information.
Unfortunately - the information biz has been replaced by "entertainment." Which would be alright, if it retained some value in that respect. But - it's entertainment that not only does not make us think, it paralyzes us in a suspended state of hopelessness without a laugh.

One thing we could do, is to hold those reporting news to the highest standard of accountability - and nudge them until they give us a "report" and NOT their personal opinion.

Thank you kindly Michael.  Your thoughts about  "Perspectives" are appreciated.
