Wolves & Gila
November 7, 2007

The following is from Laura Schneberger, by request of Good Neighbor.  Laura and her family reside in the Gila National Forest - where wolves were introduced. She's one of many across our country, who works hard - for NO PAY -to protect not only her family, her family's property - but yours too! We owe a great deal to hardy pioneers like Laura.

People, who are financed by our federal government and the 501 © 3's they work for, are well compensated for threatening, denigrating, ridiculing and bullying land and water owner users like Laura.  Why? It's the tools our own federal government... with their NGO partners... uses, to seize control of privately owned land and water.
To find out more, go to:  www.Wolfcrossing.org
Hi there,

I am now a 41 year old ten year veteran of the wolf wars. it all began when I was elected to the Gila Livestock Growers assn in 1998 while pregnant with my third child Miles who is now nine. I have two older daughters Kristie 22 and Ivy 19 the oldest married in 05 the younger is still home and our cowboss. Both my girls have had several wolf experiences, when Ivy was 14 and a small 14 at that, she was bareback and on her morning ride when the sycamore pack accosted her and held her up for ten minutes, requiring her to blast her single shot 22 to get them to leave her alone. Thankfully they did, not sure any of the packs out there now would even be phased by a tiny girl with a single shot 22 and sycamore just put it off because they smelled calves up the canyon.

I stay involved although extremely burned out, because I hate the way this program and those who both manage and advocate for it, is defaming and destroying my neighbors and our rural community, these are all people who don't deserve to be treated this way.

Not one of them even the worse old crotchety rancher could be compared to Warren Jeffs or of the guys from Deliverance...it would have been funny if it weren't so revolting a lie. I sure don't stay involved because of the pay, there is none. Once in a while someone will donate a hundred bucks and we will apply it towards the overextended credit card that I use to go to meetings and pay for webspace. We are nearly bankrupt from my wolf habit but what the heck. I am trying to spend less time on it because it is too all consuming and so many folks need help that I have to prioritize to do what I need to do and still clean my house a little and handle family stuff. Anyway, I had a profile in NM woman magazine in September, they got a picture I could send you that one. I never saw what they wrote though. L S

This must have been in some other country of foreign origin, as it is not what is going on in my country today.

Where I am at, daily I see on TVs overly emotional zealots practically screaming at us while condemning us for eating turkeys and how we should be spending our funds to buy them alive so they can live out their lives on "rescue" farms. I see news articles about the school board in Seattle demanding the children how this is a day of mourning for the "horrible" treatment and theft of lands from the aboriginal occupants of the land when the "anglo invaders" brought disease and death. I get e-mails about Texas university staff and professors spending taxpayer monies to promote illegal occupants (law breakers) "rights" to be here free of charge.

Daily the liberal politicians in Washinton D.C. are attempting to pass laws to destroy any vestige of the original intents of the "Republic for which it used to stand, one nation without God, without liberty or justice for any but themselves". Even San Francisco is passing illegal rights bills and handing out identification cards to law breakers that will give them special privileges the legal citizens cannot acquire under the same laws.

And they all decry "discrimination" and "doing away with tyranny" all the while with their hands out for re-election, donations, more taxes and "equal rights".

Excuse me, in what country did you say this Thanksgiving was being held? I'd like to move there and participate in such a celebration.


Ric Frost