Heads up! Chuck just got word from the person who wrote "There's Got To Be A Pony," under the pseudonym "Arem Roder."
In 2003, Chuck established a confidential working relationship with Mr. Roder, in order that we produce his children's story at the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo. Some of you who saw or performed in this "musical equitation production of extreme culture," would remember.
Arem said he's been watching all these lies about global warming and polar bears, and grieves over it. So he decided he wants us to use "Pony" to help stop the lies.
He asked that we assemble (gave us a list) actors, equestrians, musicians and a producer - to bring in Pony as a feature film.
The relevance of Pony? It's about a boy "Emil" and his little sister "Alma", who think they've found a magic saddle. It evolves into a story about good people, "Amicus, Susan, and Grandpa Cerro Nature", versus the evil "Rut Aboot" and his gang of "Earthvexors" thugs.
Rut (patterned after Al Gore), listens only to himself untill his ears grow cupped over his mouth. He wants all the land from sky to sea as far as one can see (and I'm paraphrasing from weak memory).
We must join together and block the lies of Mr. Gore and his "Earthvexor" thugs.
As Grandpa Cerro Nature says, "One small truth can bring down a million big lies."