Barbie's Big Adventure

As told by Barbie 6/27

What I like to do more than anything in the world, is listen to my best friend "Fordie Jeep" tell stories about his life.
Oh my he had to do scary things when he was in Japan, carrying Army soldiers around in a big war.
Then one day people put him on a big ship and brought him to the farm where I live.
We live on a farm that unfolds right along a river.
It makes me soooo happy when my owners "Chuck and Roni" park me close to Fordie.
My second best thing I like doing, is keeping the trail in the woods real pretty.
Chuck found a blade that I get along with real well. It doesn't drift too much, and is just the right size.
Chuck and Roni treat me real nice. They check my oil, air in my tires, make sure I have plenty of gas, and blow my radiator out so I can breath.
One little problem though. Roni's getting kindda old in people years, and can't judge stuff like deep sand and trees very well. I can feel the weight of her body when she shifts wildly to miss hitting a tree with her head, and sometimes she catches my blade on something...and BAM! We both shake!
And... we keep getting stuck.
Last week Roni got me stuck twice in one day. We thought we'd like a new trail that would go into a sandy place I heard her say, "WOW! Wouldn't that be a great place to play volley ball."
So we busted down some small trees, weeds and stuff, breaking this new trail up to the volley ball place.
Then we had to connect a drop off place with a ravine and smooth it out.
That...is where we got stuck, the first time.
My blade got stuck on the top and wouldn't let me move backwards or forwards.
She left me there alone while she walked back to the house and got Chuck.
I watched the whole thing. Chuck managed to wedge his big Dodge Ram between the trees.
They threw chains around my front axles and I couldn't believe it! They pulled me out!
I think Roni was a little bit scared, `cause I heard her ask Chuck, "Would you drive Barbie?" He answered firmly, nicely but firmly, "No. You got her in there, so you have to get her out."
We were OK though and did a bunch more grading.
It was fun.
Later that day Roni and I were busting out another trail so they could, "Someday make a bridge across the seep ditch there!"
That's when we got in big trouble.
There was a huge tree in our way, and we needed to move it to stay on trail.
Roni and I talked about how to move that tree. It was in a bad, awkward spot.
We tried anyway, and the next thing I knew, there was this huge CRASH! Roni ducked so hard she almost fell off!
We sat there quite a while and I could hear her muttering something over and over like, "Good Grief. I could of gotten killed. Thank you God!"
She shut me off and walked around and around me, looking at the mess we got in.
Then she said, "Well Barbie. This one's for Chuck. I'll have to walk home AGAIN...and get him. But it's getting dark and the mosquitoes are vicious, so we won't be back until tomorrow.
I started thinking about Fordie, and wishing I was with him instead of out in the spooky woods by myself...in the dark.
Hearing the coyotes howl, I fell asleep.
The rumbling sound of my other friend "Red" woke me. Red's a quiet, rusty old International. But he's the one who has a front loader and can lift stuff.
I was so happy to see him, and my two dog friends who ran along side.
Chuck drove Red real close and lifted the loader way high over the tree, then slowly lowered it until Roni shouted, "That's good!"
She pulled the chain out of the bucket, wrapped it around the fattest part of the tree, grabbed the two dogs, ran far away from me and the tree, and yelled, "OK Chuck. Puller up!"
Ohhhhhh it felt good to get that tree off of me!
Roni was jumping for joy too, and in one big jump got back in my seat.
We went over to that tree and scolded it for being so rude, while Chuck threw the chain around it.
We pulled it way, way, way out of the way where it will never bother anyone again.
Roni and I bee-booped home and she parked me right by Fordie.
It was a big adventure and I had lots to tell Fordie.
If you look below, you'll see pictures Chuck and Roni took of my big adventure.

Comments ...


Don't you just love Ford 9N's!!! I've got one too but she doesn't have a name. I've got a back blade too, a disc, and a harrow for her. She's still wearing her original tires and paint. And I'm sure that mine is even older then yours - like a 1946(?) I think and showing her age.

Priceless! Cheers, John

Dear Barbie,
Please tell "Fordie Jeep" that when I was stationed in Germany, in the mid-70's, I used to work on jeeps, just like him! I believe the jeeps were called "M151's". Who knows, I may have worked on one of "Fordie Jeep's" friends. Small world.
Please don't take me wrong, but by the pics of you, you are no Spring chic. Please tell Roni to take it easy on you. I would not want anything bad happen to you and Roni.
Thank-you, very much for writing to me about your big adventures. Sounds like you have a pretty exciting life. Please take care of yourself and tell "Fordie Jeep", Chuck, Roni, and the dogs "Hi" for me.
Looking forward to hearing from you again.Love,
Mary (your new friend from Parker, Colorado)

Too cute! Be careful out there! Darren asked me to walk the sheep & horse temporary fences this morning as the wires were "hot" but the fencer needle wasn't moving. He thought lightning zapped the fencer. I called him to see just how much he loved his calloused-handed wife as one of the wires was buried under some branches and I had to splice it. He said "a lot". Hee! I'll take it! We're supposed to be at a sheep progress show today, but too many airplanes demanding Darren's attention. So . . . I'm printing out record book material (SOOO glad I keep spreadsheets of everything on the computer - and some day my kiddos will appreciate it). Regan and I will work the sheep some, then she'll work with Mac on showmanship. Our county fair starts already on July 8 w/the horse show. Isn't that crazy? Our lambs are so green! Luckily the wethers are pretty beefy as we'll put them on the sale (Purple ribbon winners always sell better). The ewe lambs are pretty small and will come back home to be mamas next year.
Mailman just delivered our "official" American Paint Horse Association registration for Mac. Yee-haw!
Have a lovely weekend!

These are the stories our kids need to read in school Roni - can you get a publisher and put a booklet together?


Subject: Department of Agrarian Affairs - Abuse report

We are writing you today because we have reports of various abuses to your agriculture equipment. This report has been filed by several sources and state that the tractor, named Barbie, has been abused multiple times over the last few months.
We are only a moderating panel and will be collecting evidence to this alleged abuse by you or family members. We currently have 3 reports of abuse. One piece of evidence is an email originated by you bragging about how you have tormented Barbie. If we find out that these abuses are real and justified then we will step up further action.
Please be notified, if you are found guilty of abusing farm equipment (so not PC) you could loose custody of said equipment and or their siblings and offspring. You might also be fined up to $1 million and put in the Okey Dokey Pokey for a few years. Please remember, at this point this is only an investigation. Any attempts to cover up the abuse (such as welding on the steering wheel) will be looked upon as guilt.

Joe Bob Right