In Support Of Spontaneity, Originality, and Energy
“That law must exist needs no argument. But, on the other hand, the domain of free choice should be dear to all. This is where spontaneity, originality, and energy are born. The great movements which make the history of a country start there. I t covers a precious land where the actions of men are not only such as they choose, but have the right to claim freedom even from criticism. Men must keep safely guarded this right to follow the bent of their nature in proper cases and act as they would without anyone having the right to utter a word of dictation or command. This country forms the other frontier of the domain of manners and delimits it on the side farthest away from that of positive law.
The dangers that threaten the maintenance of this domain of manners arise from its situation between the region of absolute choice and the region of positive law. There are countless supporters of the movements to enlarge the sphere of positive law. In many countries – especially in the younger nations – there is a tendency to make laws to regulate everything. “
Lord Moulton (The Atlantic -July 1942)