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ARTICLES: December 8, 2007 | |
Yet another ugly action.... | |
Natural Solutions Foundation Program: 2008 November 26, 2008First of all, who is the Natural Solutions Foundation? We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt humanitarian Non Governmental Organization (NGO). We focus on health and health freedom world wide communicating with national decision makers and consumers. Our internet presence is consistently orders of magnitude higher than any other similar organization and we consistently rank well within the top 30,000 US sites or better. Because we see the health freedom issues as a series of multilayered, complex and interlocking relationships, and can translate the complexity to action for international decision makers and netroot supporters, we occupy a singular and powerful niche in the health freedom ecology. We have taken health freedom options to the international community where a part of the health freedom solution lies. We attend the meetings of, and work with delegates to, Codex Alimentarius ('World Food Code' - which impacts all food traded internationally and which serves, for the developing world as a compendium of food regulations) The participation, or lack thereof, by the developing nations which will determine their health and survival, the purity of much of their food supply and ours and can initiate a new level of planetary leadership in the evolution of a new medical paradigm and the freedom for all of us to heal and be healed. No other entity fulfills both a domestic US and an international role of such growing power and significance. We have earned the trust of a growing number of developing nations and the fierce allegiance of our Netroots- YOU! And we thank you for that trust. Here is where we expect to put our efforts over the next year:
1. eDeclaration of Planetary Health and Freedom Rights Giving due reference to the UN Declaration of Rights, The World Health Organization Declaration of Health Rights and the WHO Global strategy for Diet, Physical Activity and Health, the World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki, the Wilmont Declaration and common law principles such as the The Herbalist's Charter of Henry VIII, this document sets forth basic health and freedom principles for humanity to serve as a guide for national policy, organizational focus and NGO activity. 2. Legislator's Health and Freedom eHandbook In conjunction with the internationally significant Codex Two Step Process developed by our Codex Working Group and building on the existing legislative language which the natural Solutions foundation, in conjunction with advisors from other health and freedom organizations, the Natural Solutions Foundation proposes the creation of a Legislative Handbook to guide Federal and State legislators in reforming and re-framing the legislative landscape to support health and freedom choices for consumers, purveyors and practitioners. Just as the Natural Solutions Foundation Codex Book ("Codex two Step Process") () provides an example of the application of the legislative and regulatory framework which nations can use to protect their people and food supply from the errors embodies in Codex, so this handbook would provide a framework from which legislators can work. Other handbooks are in the planning stage. 3. New Media Communication Strategies for Effective Penetration of Information and Options Tapping into the new internet expertise and creativity available to us, we have developed a program to capitalize on the working principles of the internet to shift from old media communications to new media ones at, as Bill Gates would say, ".the speed of thought." Simply putting the equivalent of a page of printed matter up on the internet is no longer sufficient for effective communication. These new strategies, which the Natural Solutions Foundation is currently implementing (but which we propose for sharing with other members of the health and freedom community) include: i. Participatory New Media Health Freedom Symposium where creatives and organizations which need their creativity can come together to create a synergistically productive outcome unforeseen by either segment before the meeting. ii. Social Networking to attract and hold the attention of the internet user community world-wide. Through video, "FaceBook" - like virtual communities, YouTube postings and other "New Media" options, the Natural Solutions Foundation is radically changing its place on the internet and becoming a world leader in Health Freedom New Communications with the highest internet traffic ratings of any health freedom site or organization. iii. Documentary film making can be part of either the old media or the new. We have chosen, with the collaboration Ecological Options Network to make it part of the new media through an innovative programmatic multimedia strategy. Instead of commissioning a full length DVD on Health Freedom and the Codex Agenda, we have instead evolved a program of stand-alone segments in a Health Freedom Library dealing with each of the current "hot button' issues relevant to health freedom. This will allow the health freedom movement and the wellness industry to have information rapidly and accurately become available allowing us to build our circle of influence's awareness and energy, generate funds, spur debate and educate decision makers on these issues. After completion of the rapidly generated health Freedom Library modules, the final interactive documentary/eresource will be produced as a permanent part of the new media. 4. Development of the Natural Solutions foundation's virtual webstore, www.Organics4U.org. Because we see the potential so clearly to simultaneously support the Wellness Industry and the health Freedom Advocates and practitioners who depend on its products through the use of the virtual store that we have created, we would like to develop-p an affiliate program allowing all health freedom organizations who are members of the working coalition to participate and help fund their activities while showing their strong support for clean, unadulterated health products and services. A Supporter's Emporium is currently being developed to allow other goods and services to become available to the growing member base of the health freedom movement. 5. International health Freedom Advocacy Coalition of Health Friendly Countries and NGOs The Natural Solutions Foundation has developed an unparalleled network of health friendly developing countries through their on-the-ground advocacy at Codex and in the home countries of the members of this emerging power center. We have developed exceptional access to health decision makers (e.g., Dr. Laibow addressing 43 Health Ministers in Mombasa, Kenya on HIV and Avian Flue prevention strategies and other related issues as well as Codex implications for their people's health and longevity). These nations actively seek our participation in their decision making process. For example, a large and important developing nation sought our legal and medical review of its new supplement regulations and we were able to significantly influence the proposed very low upper limits to alter them to much more liberal ones). The Natural Solutions Foundation has been invited by the entire West African bloc to conduct a series of training and policy meetings in Africa prior to codex meetings to assist that bloc in developing their positions and their choreographed responses to Codex items at the forthcoming meetings. In fact, such a meeting was scheduled which included the Presidents and Ministers of health of all 16 west African nations just prior to the last Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting (July, 2007). Funding was promised but failed to materialize so the meeting was never held. The trust and faith which the emerging pro health collation of developing nations' places in us was exemplified when, because of scientific information provided by the Natural Solutions foundation to our friendly countries, fluoride was prevented from being approved as an additive in infant formula for healthy babies. This decision was taken through our advocacy, over the vigorous objection of the United States, the EU, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, thus demonstrating the power of the model. While many issues pertain most strongly to the developing nations, there is an urgent need for leadership domestically as well as internationally on issues like vaccination, especially compulsory vaccination; other forms of compulsory drugging and limitation of factual information about the health benefits of food and traditional, natural and advanced therapies. The Natural Solutions Foundation has played a pivotal role in alerting and activating consumers and decision makers to these issues. It is important to note that the Natural Solutions foundation's continuing presence at Codex has allowed the Health Freedom voice to have a clear window on the interrelationship between adverse policies brought forward in Codex and the implementation of those same adverse policies through domestic regulation and legislation. 6. Creative Legislator Education and Litigation programs to preserve, protect, defend and restore Health and Freedom domestically and internationally. With sufficient financial support from industry and interested donors, we believe that the legal recourses open to us are of significant potential in establishing case law to solidify health Freedom domestically and internationally. 1. The Natural Solutions Foundation has retained an experienced legislative consultant, Charles Frohman. Ideally, this activity, which currently employs the Trustees of the Foundation for 4 days a month in Washington DC . The relationships being developed have allowed us to engage in productive dialogues on a number of issues with Members of Congress. 2. We have supported the co-sponsorship of legislation to prevent parents from being forced to vaccinate or medicate their children (the importance and timeliness of which was tragically demonstrated on November 17 when 1600 parents were threatened with jail and fines if they failed to vaccinate, or in some cases, re-vaccinate, their children when either the school had lost their records or the parents did not wish to have them vaccinated. 3. The Natural Solutions Foundation has taken the lead in calling for hearings on the process of divesting the FDA of its food regulatory responsibility and numerous legislators are now seeking our input for legislative language for bills of interest to them. Working on the conviction that Health Freedom must be a topic of vigorous debate in the Presidential election discussion, the trustees of the natural Solutions Foundation were delighted to comply with the request they received from a Presidential Campaign to draft the Candidate's Health Freedom Plank. Through a Health Freedom Score Card, which asks 19 tough questions of the Candidates regarding their public health freedom policies we have brought the issue into greater prominence through nearly 100,000 emails and faxes to the Presidential Candidates. Authorized by the First Amendments, Citizens Petitions are a legal mechanism to challenge government policies. We have initiated a Citizens Petition to force the FAD to abandon its declared harmonization policy with Codex restrictions on nutrient values. About 125,000 Americans have joined the Citizens Petition through signed documents. Additional Citizens Petitions are in the planning stage. 9. International Decade of Nutrition Hope for the Word through dynamic empowerment and the dissemination of natural solutions to the ancient twin scourges of mankind: hunger and disease. Part of the solution to the health freedom threats lies in the Natural Solutions Foundation dynamic and far-reaching "International Decade of Nutrition". Because we understand that there is enough information already available to solve the world's hunger problems and to eliminate most of the diseases of under-nutrition and water-born, parasite and other organism-based diseases, the Natural Solutions foundation has inaugurated a program to 1. Reclaim sustainable organic farming and disseminate the necessary advanced and under-utilized, low-tech, high impact technologies to allow farmers to gain the economic advantage to resist Agribiz and stay in their communities and on their farms while growing food without pesticides and other chemicals 2. Apply already existing, but little known technologies to eliminate parasitic and other organism-based diseases without the use of dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fungicides and other toxic chemicals through the use of inexpensive, effective and easily managed options 3. Widespread dissemination of information which empowers and reinforces the autonomy of populations currently disenfranchised from access to traditional, natural and advanced therapies. ACTION STEP What helps us the most? Recurring gifts allow us to plan and budget our expenses. Large gifts allow us to attend Codex Meetings and work with global decision makers. US, African, European and Asian Codex trips are coming, one after the other, over the next few months! For all donations: | |