Cattle Industry: December 30, 2007

A section of Montana Laws governing Non-Profits

35-2-907. Inspection of records by members. (1) Subject to 35-2-908(3) and subsection (5) of this section, a member is entitled to inspect and copy, at a reasonable time and location specified by the corporation, any of the records of the corporation described in 35-2-906(5) if the member gives the corporation written notice or a written demand at least 5 business days before the date on which the member wishes to inspect and copy.
     (2) Subject to subsection (5), a member is entitled to inspect and copy, at a reasonable time and reasonable location specified by the corporation, any of the following records of the corporation if the member meets the requirements of subsection (3) and gives the corporation written notice at least 5 business days before the date on which the member wishes to inspect and copy:
     (a) excerpts from any records required to be maintained under 35-2-906(1), to the extent not subject to inspection under subsection (1);
     (b) accounting records of the corporation; and
     (c) subject to 35-2-910, the membership list.
     (3) A member may inspect and copy the records identified in subsection (2) only if:
     (a) the member's demand is made in good faith and for a proper purpose;
     (b) the member describes with reasonable particularity the purpose and the records the member desires to inspect; and
     (c) the records are directly connected with this purpose.
     (4) This section does not affect:
     (a) the right of a member to inspect records under 35-2-535 or, if the member is in litigation with the corporation, to the same extent as any other litigant; or
     (b) the power of a court, independent of this chapter, to compel the production of corporate records for examination.
     (5) The articles or bylaws of a religious corporation may limit or abolish the right of a member under this section to inspect and copy any corporate record. History: En. Sec. 162, Ch. 411, L. 1991.

35-2-908. Scope of inspection rights. (1) A member's agent or attorney has the same inspection and copying rights as the member the agent or attorney represents. 
(2) The right to copy records under 35-2-907 includes, if reasonable, the right to receive copies made by photographic, xerographic, or other means. 
(3) The corporation may impose a reasonable charge, covering the costs of labor and material, for copies of documents provided to the member. The charge may not exceed the estimated cost of production or reproduction of the records. 
(4) The corporation may comply with a member's demand to inspect the record of members under 35-2-907(2)(c) by providing the member with a list of its members that was compiled no earlier than the date of the member's demand. History: En. Sec. 163, Ch. 411, L. 1991.

35-2-909. Court-ordered inspection. (1) If a corporation does not allow a member who complies with 35-2-907(1) to inspect and copy any records required by that subsection to be available for inspection, the district court, for the judicial district of the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located may summarily order inspection and copying of the records demanded at the corporation's expense upon application of the member.
     (2) If a corporation does not within a reasonable time allow a member to inspect and copy any other record, the member who complies with 35-2-907(2) and (3) may apply to the district court, for the judicial district of the county where the corporation's principal office or, if the principal office is not located in this state, the county where its registered office is located for an order to permit inspection and copying of the records demanded. The court shall dispose of an application under this subsection on an expedited basis.
     (3) If the court orders inspection and copying of the records demanded, it shall also order the corporation to pay the member's costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred to obtain the order unless the corporation proves that it refused inspection in good faith because it had a reasonable basis for doubt about the right of the member to inspect the records demanded.
     (4) If the court orders inspection and copying of the records demanded, it may impose reasonable restrictions on the use or distribution of the records by the demanding member.
35-2-910. Limitations on use of membership list. (1) Without consent of the board, a membership list or any part of it may not be obtained or used by a person for any purpose unrelated to a member's interest as a member.
     (2) Without limiting the generality of the provisions of subsection (1), without the consent of the board a membership list or any part of it may not be:
     (a) used to solicit money or property unless the money or property will be used solely to solicit the votes of the members in an election to be held by the corporation;
     (b) used for any commercial purpose; or
     (c) sold to or purchased by any person.             History: En. Sec. 165, Ch. 411, L. 1991.

35-2-911. Financial statements for members. Upon the written request of any member of the corporation, the corporation shall mail to the member its most recent financial statements showing in reasonable detail its assets and liabilities and the results of the operations. History: En. Sec. 166, Ch. 411, L. 1991.
35-2-535. Members' list for meeting. (1) After fixing a record date for a notice of a meeting, a corporation shall prepare an alphabetical list of the names of all its members who are entitled to notice of the meeting. The list must show the address and number of votes each member is entitled to vote at the meeting. The corporation shall prepare, on a current basis through the time of the membership meeting, a list of members, if any, who are entitled to vote at the meeting but not entitled to notice of the meeting. This list must be prepared on the same basis and be part of the list of members.
     (2) The list of members must be available:
     (a) for inspection by any member for the purpose of communication with other members concerning the meeting, beginning 2 business days after notice is given of the meeting for which the list was prepared and continuing through the meeting; and
     (b) at the corporation's principal office or at a reasonable place identified in the meeting notice in the city where the meeting will be held. A member, a member's agent, or a member's attorney is entitled, on written demand, to inspect and, subject to the limitations of 35-2-907(3) and 35-2-910 to copy the list, at a reasonable time and at the member's expense, during the period it is available for inspection.
     (3) The corporation shall make the list of members available at the meeting, and any member, a member's agent, or a member's attorney is entitled to inspect the list at any time during the meeting or any adjournment.
     (4) If the corporation refuses to allow a member, a member's agent, or a member's attorney to inspect the list of members before or at the meeting or to copy the list as permitted by subsection (2), the district court for the judicial district of the county where a corporation's principal office or, if the principal office is not located in this state, where its registered office is located, on application of the member, may summarily order the inspection or copying at the corporation's expense, may postpone the meeting for which the list was prepared until the inspection or copying is complete, and may order the corporation to pay the member's costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred to obtain the order.
     (5) Unless a written demand to inspect and copy a membership list has been made under subsection (2) prior to the membership meeting and a corporation improperly refuses to comply with the demand, refusal or failure to comply with this section does not affect the validity of action taken at the meeting.
     (6) The articles or bylaws of a religious corporation may limit or abolish the rights of a member under this section to inspect and copy any corporate record.    History: En. Sec. 66, Ch. 411, L. 1991.


Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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