Cattle Industry: November 14, 2008

Letter to Greta Van Sustern regards Governor Sarah Palin and Beef

Dear Greta,

Last night, Governor Palin made a comment about beef that compels us to clarify.
While we agree with her on having Caribou and Moose in ones diet because the meat is pure and natural, this update on American Traditional Beef (Beef that is born and raised in the USA.) will illustrate how wholesome, pure and desired it is also.
For the past two decades, America's rancher/cattle producers have taken great strides to improve the genetics, thereby quality - of their beef herds; the outcome provides American consumers beef they love.
Today, American Traditional Beef is beef that is free of synthetic hormones; have vaccination (immunization) designation spots that won't damage the meat, and is processed under the most stringent health/safety guidelines.
Through the combined demands of consumers and Cattle Producers, Country of Origin (COOL) was passed as law in 2002, but not implemented until September 2008.
Americans prefer "born and raised in America" beef, for many reasons: It's locally grown (not imported); safe; nutritious, delicious, and most times tender.
Chances are, if you get a tough steak, it was most likely imported from a country that doesn't have the fine genetics of American beef.
Americans cattle producers take great pride in the product they provide.
What we'd appreciate is a national podium that would counter the misinformation (One example: Oprah Winfrey vs. Paul Engler.) that the public is constantly fed by a mainstream media that knows virtually nothing about agriculture.
Greta, there are many entities that work full time to diminish American resource production including agriculture. They want American's to rely on imports from un-friendly nations.
If you'd like to learn more about COOL and American Traditional Beef, we highly recommend you have a fine young gentleman by the name of Jess Peterson come on your show. This Montana cowboy is also Director of Government Affairs for US Cattlemen's, and can be reached at 202-870-3867 -
You may also learn more about the US Cattle Industry, by going to - click on ISSUES.
Thank you for always doing such steady thorough work of reporting facts and truth. We appreciate you!

Chuck & Roni Sylvester

Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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