Cattle Industry: November 24, 2008

U.S. Cattlemen Applaud Johnson's and Enzi's Letter to Secretary
of Agriculture Regarding Meat Trade with Argentina


USCA (November 20, 2008) - The U.S. Cattlemen's Association (USCA) applauds Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Mike Enzi (R-WY) for sending a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer regarding increased meat trade with Argentina.

A portion of the letter reads, "We agree sound science must be the basis for initiatives involving or affecting livestock health. We also believe that, in consultation with nationally recognized livestock health experts, sound science determines that we not regionalize Argentina for FMD. APHIS has adopted a regionalization protocol that is compliant with the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). That protocol involves 11 factors which must be addressed by the country seeking to regionalize when the regionalization process is initiated. However, out of the 11 points listed, Argentina is arguably deficient on two critical points, involving both the degree to which the region is separated from other regions of greater risk and the level of control in moving both product and animals from higher risk areas."

In press statements both Senators added their additional reasons for sending the letter, "The country of Argentina had an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) as late as 2006, and our first priority must be to protect the U.S. supply. (USDA APHIS Deputy Administrator) Dr Clifford's comments (to my staff) were reassuring but it is my hope that the Secretary is on the same page and believes more research needs to be done. I will continue to fight for our American farmers and ranchers and work to stop USDA's flawed plan to allow importation of Argentine fresh beef and livestock," Johnson stated.

Sen Enzi added, "There is no reason to put our herds at risk while Argentina continues to work toward eradicating foot-and-mouth disease from within its borders. Sound scientific standards and monitoring must be in place before we make a decision to open trade to an area with a disease as potentially devastating to our livestock as FMD."

USCA President, Jon Wooster said, "USCA commends Senators Johnson and Enzi for their leadership and commitment to addressing this very important animal health issue. These Senators echo the concern that cattle producers from across the country share. Argentina has not followed the proper procedures which would allow their meat increased access to the U.S. market."

"Being lax with FMD disease prevention and eradication is unacceptable," continued Wooster. "Furthermore, Argentina has a long history of breaking deals with the U.S. including loan defaults and periodically opposing U.S. farmers and ranchers at the WTO. Given the current status of events, the U.S. Cattlemen's Association remains opposed to the USDA's plan to increase meat imports from Argentina and calls upon the Bush Administration to withdraw this proposed rule."

Established in March 2007, USCA is committed to concentrating its efforts in Washington, DC to enhance and expand the cattle industry's voice on Capitol Hill. USCA has a full-time presence in Washington, giving cattle producers across the country a strong influence on policy development. For more information go to


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