Cattle Industry: March 10, 2008

Update on the National Animal Identification System

Judith McGeary

Federal Developments

On the federal side, the delays continue to mount with naming the Farm Bill conference committee members. The original deadline to pass the Farm Bill, March 15, would be impossible to meet now, and there is talk of extending the previous Farm Bill to April 15, and speculation that the Farm Bill might not be passed this year at all. If you haven't called yet (or if it's been a while), please call and let the Senators and probable House conferees know that you don't want NAIS in the Farm Bill. It's important that they know people are watching them with this issue, and we're not going away! You can find more information, including contacts, at

State Updates

Below are brief highlights of what has happened with anti-NAIS bills across the country during the last couple of weeks. For more information, go to and click on each state's name.

COLORADO: HB 1129, the bill to prohibit the State Fair Board from making NAIS a requirement for children competing in the fair, died in the Senate Committee.

ILLINOIS: Like Colorado, the Illinois Department of Agriculture is requiring children to register in NAIS in order to compete in the fairs. HB 5776 was introduced to reverse that policy. The House Committee on Agriculture unanimously approved an amended version of HB 5776, which included several provisions that were stronger than the original bill! HB 5776 is on the calendar for its "second reading" and is expected to be voted on by the full House early this week. Go to for how to take action!

KENTUCKY: The Kentucky House has approved HB 495 by a vote of 88-6! This bill would limit NAIS to a voluntary program only, with protections against coercion, unless the federal government took final action making the program mandatory. HB 495 has been assigned to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources. Go to for how to take action!

MASSACHUSETTS: The anti-NAIS bills, HB 757 and SB 475, continue to languish in Committee. Please contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to push the Committee to move the bills. Go to for more information.

MISSOURI: The Senate approved SB 931, and it has now gone to the House. It has not been assigned to a committee yet. Go to for more information.

TENNESSEE: The anti-NAIS bills, HB 3668/ SB 3903 and HB 3660/SB3438, are also languishing. Call your Representative and Senator and ask them to support these bills moving forward. Go to for more information.


Liberty Ark Supporters:
The Liberty Ark website is still in the process of being rebuilt. You can continue to contact the Coalition by emailing one of the Steering Committee members, Karin Bergener, at or calling her at 330-298-0065.

FARFA List: As always, you can reach us at or 866-687-6452 with any questions.
Working together, we can make our voices heard!


Judith McGeary
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance


Established in March 2007, USCA is committed to assembling a team to concentrate efforts in Washington, DC to enhance and expand the cattle industry's voice on Capitol Hill. For more information visit


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