Cattle Industry: April 28, 2008

NFU Statement: Farm Bill Agreement

Contact: Liz Friedlander
WASHINGTON (April 28, 2008) - National Farmers Union President Tom Buis made the following statement regarding the Friday afternoon announcement that a final farm bill compromise was within reach:

"This is good news for rural America. With spring upon us it was imperative that conferees complete negotiations and get a bill passed. Friday's announcement will set the course for completing and enacting a new farm bill in the coming weeks.

"The agreement framework looks to benefit all Americans, with record investments in conservation, specialty crops, and nutrition programs all in the face of a significantly reduced budget. Also included are a strong competition title and improved dairy safety net. Family farmers and ranchers will benefit from the continued safety net to protect them during bad times and consumers will, after countless delays, enjoy country of origin labeling (COOL).

"In addition to COOL, the farm bill framework agreement supports many of NFU's farm bill priorities. A permanent disaster program, which will give producers the assurance they need when devastated by Mother Nature and interstate shipment of state inspected meat, that will allow producers to market their products across state lines.

"I am hopeful that when the farm bill conference committee meets again they will be in agreement and send the bill on. I urge members of Congress and the president to act quickly and sign a new farm bill into law."

National Farmers Union
400 North Capitol St. NW - Suite 790
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202.554.1600 - Fax: 202.554.1654



Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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