Cattle Industry: April 8, 2008

U.S. Cattlemen Support Farm Bill Title VI

Contact: Jess Peterson 202/870-3867 -
Washington, DC (April 6, 2008) - The U.S. Cattlemen's Association (USCA) along with a number of agriculture and rural organizations discussed Title VI (Rural Development) of the Farm Bill in a Congressional and media briefing today in Washington, DC. Title VI includes a provision that will increase rural America's access to broadband communication services.

Broadband internet has become a valuable communication tool for America's farmers and ranchers, their families and rural communities. However, in some rural areas broadband service is not available, preventing real-time communication.

USCA's Director of Government Relations, Jess Peterson, delivered comments during the Capitol Hill briefing, thanking members of Congress and staff for their hard work on Title VI of the Farm Bill. "This is an excellent title with provisions that will increase rural America's availability of broadband service. Broadband deployment encourages economic development. We urge Congress and the administration to support this title."

Agriculture producers across the nation rely on the latest market information, from the price of grains to the prices of feeder and finished cattle for critical buy/sell decisions based on real-time market data. Many use the internet to obtain this information in a timely manner. Expanding the availability of broadband service will increase competition and will enhance marketing opportunities for rural citizens.

Many educational institutions with agriculture curriculum offer distance learning via the internet including classes, seminars, and licensing and certification programs. In remote rural areas families need access to these services, which save precious resources and reduce the cost and use of fuel. Broadband internet service will give more young people the opportunity to stay in a working environment and continue their education.

"USCA is pleased that Title VI of the Farm Bill includes rural development programs for rural citizens as well as Native Americans in remote areas who are often overlooked. This title will provide funding and grants to build the infrastructure needed to increase access to broadband internet," noted Peterson.


Established in March 2007, USCA is committed to concentrating its efforts in Washington, DC to enhance and expand the cattle industry's voice on Capitol Hill. USCA has a full-time presence in Washington, giving cattle producers across the country a strong influence on policy development.



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