Cattle Industry: May 27, 2008

NAIS Letter to Secretary Schafer

Charles & Ronita Sylvester
P.O. Box 155
La Salle, CO 80645
970-284-6874 -

Ed Schafer, Secretary of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250

Dear Secretary Schafer, May 23, 2008

Regards: National Animal Identification System (NAIS) and Premise ID.

Since about 2004, cow-calf producers have asked the USDA and their respective state ag departments the following questions regards NAIS and Premise ID.

While attention is paid to implementation of mandatory animal ID, the cow-calf producers questions remain un-answered.

The problems generated from such include: assaults on administrative procedures, intrusion of property rights, discrimination against cow-calf producers, exploitation of children, and usurping of county and states rights.

We request your opinion as to whether or not these actions are deserving of investigation by our respective states Attorney Generals, and perhaps our Federal Attorney General.

We sincerely plead for your federal directive to stop all animal ID implementation activities until these questions are answered to the full satisfaction and procession that is wholly agreed upon whom-ever burden of said program falls on; which in this case, is the cow-calf producer.

A What is the genesis of Animal ID?
1) 9-11 and 2002
2) BSE and 2003
3) A product to be sold

B What entity first requested Animal ID?
2) Homeland Security
4) Packers
5) Cow-calf producers
6) Manufacturers

C Provide paradigm of NAIS/Premises ID program.

D Provide chronology of implementation notifications.

E Provide location, specie vote breakouts, transcripts and attendee sign-in
sheets from each meeting.

F Provide chronology and complete financial breakout of implementation funding.

G Identify each funding source (Includes government grants.) and amounts contributed.

H Are existing brand laws accepted as a recognizable form of ID? Please explain in detail.

I Which animals must have ID? Please explain in detail.

J Which animals are exempt from ID. Please explain in detail.

K Who is required to ID animals?
1) Feedlot owners
2) Packers
3) Cow-calf producers

L Please give chronology of governing bodies, i.e. who answers to who?

M Identify all jurisdictions and entities having authority to enforce voluntary ID, and
parties subject to enforcement.

N Identify all jurisdictions and entities having authority to enforce mandatory ID, and
parties subject to enforcement.

O Define authorities County Commissioners, Legislators, Governors and Federal
may or may not have.

P Define authorities or responsibilities Brand Inspectors and State Veterinarians may
or may not have.

Q Who determines information to be collected, and how it will be managed thereon?

R Who pays for ID devices?
1. Cow-calf producers
2. Feedlot owners
3. Federal or state government
4. Packers

S Who is responsible for installation and costs involved?
1. Cow-calf producer
2. Feedlot owners
3. Government employees
4. Packers

T Identify exact costs benefits and parties that benefit.

U In case of disease outbreak, define: Vaccine readiness, preparedness to deal with mortality if in event vaccine doesn’t arrive timely, and compensation.

V Does party burdened with cost of purchase and installation of devices get to do comparative shopping and choose product? If not, explain why.

W Please show me the law, that may or may not back implementation of animal ID.

To reiterate Secretary Schafer, we sincerely plead for your federal directive to stop all animal ID implementation activities until these questions are answered to the full satisfaction and procession that is wholly agreed upon whom-ever burden of said program falls on; which in this case, is the cow-calf producer.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.


Chuck & Roni Sylvester
cc: Attorney General State of Colorado
Colorado Department of Agriculture
Colorado Extension Office
Interested parties

USDA response to Chuck & Roni Sylvester regards NAIS.


Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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