Cattle Industry: May 2, 2008

Letter on NAIS

Regarding Animal ID ensuring safety, I was wondering if he could answer one important question for me. I have asked USDA officials and Colorado Department of Agriculture officials to provide me with the legal opinions upon which they are relying to insure the people of the state of Colorado that the National Animal Identification System is constitutional. I haven't received any response from either entity. Perhaps Mr. Randy Roberts could provide me with these opinions.

Surely "meaningful and ethical judgments that promote what's right for the majority" would include maintaining constitutional and property rights. If this is not the case, perhaps Mr. Roberts and others are suggesting that we will have to give up these rights for the hypothetical promise of 'safety.' I would open my request for some assurance that the National Animal Identification System is constitutional to anyone and ask that they publish those legal opinions. It would certainly quell the fears of many and do wonders for the implementation of this system.

If you own livestock please obtain a copy of the National Animal Identification System User's Guide and Business Plan from the USDA website and educate yourselves about this system. It might be the most important thing you ever do for yourself and the unborn generations who will be regulated by this system. Leellen Koroulis (CO)


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