Cattle Industry: July 11, 2008

ATFA Commends U.S. Cattlemen's Association
on Bill Addressing FMD in Argentine Cattle

Legislation called "Important first Step" by ATFA Executive Director
Published Thursday, July 10, 2008

(WASHINGTON, DC) - American Task Force Argentina (ATFA) commends the organization's coalition member, United States Cattlemen's Association (USCA), on their successful efforts to promote the introduction of legislation that further highlights Argentina's poor record of dealing with Americans.

ATFA Executive Director Robert Raben congratulated USCA on their strong support of this bill, and noted the close working relationship that USCA has maintained with ATFA in exposing Argentina's record of unfair treatment of American businesses, investors, taxpayers and consumers.

"It's been our pleasure to work with USCA on various legislative issues concerning our shared mission of holding Argentina accountable for undermining the interests of US teachers and investors, defying U.S. court judgments and exporting unsafe beef. USCA has truly persevered with this legislation. It's an important first step, and ATFA looks forward to collaborating with USCA on future efforts to ensure accountability by Argentina. We will continue to press the U.S. government to assist Americans in collecting billions in unpaid debt that the Argentine government has refused to honor. These unpaid debts harm American taxpayers, teachers and pensioners."

Senators Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Michael Enzi (R-WY) introduced the "Keep America FMD Free" bill, which addresses the danger of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Argentine beef. The government of Argentina has done little to aid farmers in tackling FMD, and the Johnson-Enzi bill will block meat imports from Argentina until that country is certified to be FMD free.
USCA Animal Health Director Chuck Kiker spoke in May at an ATFA roundtable on Capitol Hill in which he addressed the immediate need for Congress to act on this issue.

Kiker noted that Argentina's FMD issue is just one component of the Argentine government's disregard for the rules of the international community, referring specifically to Argentina's massive sovereign debt default and its subsequent repudiation of some $3 billion in loans by American investors.

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