Cattle Industry: March 20, 2009

Roni Sylvester Regards NAIS, COOL, Omnibus Public Land S.22


Good Morning Adam,

I just left you a phone message re: my note of 3/14.
Adam, I can't stress enough, the importance of meeting with Senator Udall on agricultural issues, plus the:

S. 22: Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009

This land bill is the most foreboding bill on the horizon. You can find a model for what all of America will look like if it passes in the Senate, by reviewing
the devastation left in the aftermath of President Clinton's designation of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

Sample: The Escalante, Utah Griffin Cattle Company ran cattle on top of the Kaiparowits (aka Fifty Mile Mountain) bench and canyonlands
desert, from the early 1940's until 1996 when President Clinton designated that region, "Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument."
Even though Clinton claimed grazing rights would be honored, they were not. The Griffin family was ordered to "get your cattle off the
fifty or face impoundment fees."
Thus the government began, with help from trained eco-terrorists, to subject the Griffin Cattle Company to ugly, cruel, unjust
treatment, eventually forcing them into bankruptcy.
Additionally, this vanquished 7 years and over 500 public planning meetings with Andalex (A coal energy company.) and BLM, and an
$8,000,000 investment by Andalex.
The required NEPA analysis for this Utah Monument designation was never done, and the devastation on that community continues.

If passed, President Barack Obama's Democrat Senate will be those responsible for ending American Resource Production.
Americans will be at the mercy of un-friendly nations for food, fuel and fiber; for it is a given that a nation that can not feed a nation ripe for takeover.
If Senator Udall and I don't have a chance to personally meet before the senate votes on S. 22, please urge him to vote NO.
Please encourage him to enlist enough senators to also vote no -and defeat this ill-fated bill once and for all.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you,


An excerpt from "Dear President Obama"

Stop making policies based on climate change (Weather or not…it happens!).
Stop taking water and land out of domestic resource production.
Enforce Endangered Species Act the way it was written.
Stop giving money to groups like The Nature Conservancy; they use it to compete with us, and that’s just dead wrong!
And for crying out loud, if you’re going to name 26,000,000 acres after someone, don’t name it Bruce Babbitt. To do so would be the same as naming the Elie Wiesel Foundation the Bernie Madoff Foundation. Babbitt began the run on destroying our domestic resource providers, and Al Gore’s finishing them off!

----- Original Message -----
From: Roni Sylvester
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 1:06 PM
Subject: Regards my stupid comment on CRP's and grazing...........

Dear Adam,

Thank you for meeting with us (US Cattlemen) regards NAIS, COOL, Beef Check Off and more.
One thing: When you said Senator Udall got grazing returned to some CRP's, I said "Thank you." That's because my brain shifted to grazing rights (AUM's) in Wyoming instead of Colorado's CRP's. Therefore, I was surprised when Wayne Rusher said, "NO thank you."
After soliciting his clarification - "It's an unacceptable form of welfare, and some are making a lot of money on it! I have never and will never take welfare!" - I understood why he wasn't pleased with the grazing return on CRP. And I agree.
In Wyoming, my husband had AUM's taken away to accommodate feral horses. Since `93 he's taken a $200,000 income loss because of this unfair program. That - is why thanked you.
This is just one tiny example of the multitude of complexities that challenge our food providers. It is also a good reason why only people who have a holistic understanding of agriculture should be the ones making policies regarding such.
Adam, I would like opportunity to meet with Senator Udall and explain policies that jeopardize our domestic food supplies.
I'll call you next week to set up a time.
Thank you,

Roni Bell Sylvester
P.O. Box 155
La Salle, CO 80645

Sorry I bothered you Adam. Looks as though S.22 passed today.
We are doomed.
Thank you,


Good Neighbor Committee
P.O. Box 155 - La Salle, CO  80645

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