Cattle Industry: March 23, 2011

As to the Farm Bill, John Salazar (former congressman) said agriculture policy in
Washington has "never been designed to protect agriculture - - it's designed to protect
the consumer. We have the most inexpensive and safest food supplies in the whole world," he said.
"We need to make sure we educate our urban counterparts on the importance of agriculture.
If we ever become dependent on another country to produce our food, we'll be in real trouble."

From: The Colorado Statesman March 18, 2011 by Marianne Goodland


A BIG Thank YOU to Colorado Commissioner of Agriculture
for the following statement!
LAW USA encourages the U.S. Department of Agriculture
to either re-name the Farm Bill -
the Consumer Farm Bill,
or carve off school lunch programs and food
stamp portion of budget into their own program.

L - R Marty Canterbury, Doug Zalesky, Wayne & Melinda Rusher, Roni Sylvester, Congressman Salazar, Kimmi Lewis 2006.