The First Good Neighbor Forum in the United States will be held in Colorado!
- February 24, 2007 9 am - 5 pm Island Grove 4-H Building - Greeley, CO
- Confirmed speakers: James Chilton (AZ), Mack Louden (CO), Lawrence Kogan, Esq. (NJ), Mark Coan (CO), James Beers (VI), Chief Mark Trostel (CO), Charles Sylvester (CO), Sharon Croghan (CO), Kimmi Lewis (CO), Dr. Chuck Leaf (CO) and Chuck Miller (CO).
- Elie Wiesel warns "we must take a side." GNF will educate, clearly define the sides, and empower you regarding your County, State and Federal Constitutional Rights.
- Subjects include: The Indigenous of Pinon Canyon, Responsible Transportation Legislation, Upholding First in Time, First in Right Water Rights, Extortion Versus Just Compensation, What do Roni Bell and Howard Stern have in common?, Your Constitution and Gummer Snails, Are the Earthvexors Coming, Or Are They Here?, Are You A Good Neighbor?
- Encourage your County Commissioners, State and Federal Legislators to pre-register and attend.
- All known Presidential Candidates have been sent a notice and a questionnaire.
- An official exit poll will be conducted as to President choice.
- Seats are limited, pre-registration highly recommended $15.00 pre-registration fee includes lunch.
- Look for Good Neighbor booth at: Colorado Farm Show January 23-25, 2007 Island Grove Park, Greeley.
- For more information:
- For interviews contact: Roni Sylvester 970-284-6874