October 3, 2008

une 10, 2008
Breaking News! First NAIS national poll results - A. J. Mangum, Editor, Western Horseman Magazine

May 27, 2008
NAIS letter to Secretary Schafer by Charles and Ronita Sylvester

May 27, 2008
NAIS Update: Calls needed in Illinois; Missouri bill passes; Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund sends a notice of intent to sue to USDA

May 10, 2008
NAIS survey - Please take a minute to vote on NAIS survey, provided online by Western Horseman

May 6, 2008
Urgent! Comments needed re: APHIS/NAIS - Privacy Act Systems of Records; APHIS National Animal Identification System (NAIS)

May 3, 2008
Cattle Industry/NAIS by Darol Dickinson

May 2, 2008
Letter on NAIS by Leellen Koroulis (CO)

No one has challenged the "US Cattle Industry diagram" since its public appearance two years ago. Understanding this structure, will help you understand who is pushing Animal Identification (NAIS)/ Premise ID, and who is blocking implementation of Country of Origin Labeling (COOL).

2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009 | 2007-2008 Issues: Cattle Industry
"Over the past dozen years an average of 1,000 ranches have gone out of production each month. Last year, for the first time ever, our country imported more food then we exported. This is a dangerous trend a national security issue, that none of our elected officials are talking about. If this trend continues, we will soon be over a barrel for food just like we are now for oil. Those of us who live in cities need to have a greater understanding of the challenges that men and women face on the ranch everyday."
Jim Keen Photographer and author of Great Ranches Of The West

December 23, 2008
Wyoming rancher contemplates how to market open cows - The Prairie Star - Great Falls,MT,USA - The depressed economy is starting to take its toll on the cow market in east central Wyoming, where rancher Dewey Hageman is faced with a decision of what ...

December 16, 2008
An Inconvenient Food

December 1, 2008
SDA Memo Mandates NAIS Premises Registration But Agency and Big Ag Still Deny Their Plans

December 1, 2008
USCA Comments on EPA's Plan to Regulate Green House Gas Emissions

November 24, 2008
U.S. Cattlemen Applaud Johnson's and Enzi's Letter to Secretary of Agriculture Regarding Meat Trade with Argentina

November 24, 2008
Disappointed CICA Director Sends Letter to USDA - Tom Moulden

November 14, 2008
Letter to Greta Van Sustern regards Governor Sarah Palin and Beef - Chuck & Roni Sylvester

October 15, 2008
Editorial in Beef Magazine written by Troy Marshall - Response by USCA Director Danni Beer

September 24, 2008
Cattle/ Anti-Horse Transportation Bill Update by Jess Peterson

September 16, 2008
New law requires labels on meat - Country-of-origin labels to be required by Stephen J. Hedges,

August 25, 2008
CEO Breaks Silence Regarding Director Shake-up; Extends Olive Branch to End Lawsuits

August 23, 2008
Congressman Peterson Opposes NAIS - National Assn.of Farm Animal Welfare

July 31, 2008
USCA Director Leo McDonnell Addresses CICA Membership During Summer Meeting

July 11, 2008
ATFA Commends U.S. Cattlemen's Association on Bill Addressing FMD in Argentine Cattle - Legislation called "Important first Step" by ATFA Executive Director

July 9, 2008
Cattle producer ordered to pay $17,300 for NLIS tag breach

July 5, 2008
People For Preserving Our Western Heritage - Preserve The Land FOR The People Not FROM The People

July 2, 2008
USCA, KBHB Radio and Elk Creek Steakhouse to Host Cowboy Social

June 21, 2008
Jess Peterson talks cattle, farm bill, origins By Chrystal Doucette, Herald staff writer

June 14, 2008
Farming Myth Buster! Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy

June 3, 2008
Summer 2008 issue of the U.S. Cattlemen's Association newsletter

May 27, 2008
C. Robert Taylor Recent Reports

May 13, 2008
Farm Bill Coalition House

May 13, 2008
United States Cattlemen's Association: Working Tirelessly for U.S. Ranchers - Year in Review, Jon Wooster, USCA President

May 9, 2008
Some ideas on bridging the gap between farmer/ranchers and general public.

May 8, 2008
Colorado State Fair Board of Authority Rulemaking by Jennifer Gurr, Executive Administer, Colorado Department of Agriculture

May 8, 2008
Statement by LMA President Jim Santomaso, Concerning Reports the Humane Society of the U.S. Found Improper Livestock Handling at Some Livestock Market, Livestock Marketing Association

May 7, 2008
USCA Producer Meetings To Be Held In Montana

May 5, 2008
No one has challenged the "US Cattle Industry diagram" since its public appearance two years ago ... Click Here

May 3, 2008
Bovine Intervention By Doug Bartholomew

May 2, 2008
Letter to Chairman Vigil and Members of the Board by Leo Schwartz (VI)

May 1, 2008
Kayla Klassen, Park County (Rodeo) Queen - Colorado
Speech presented to the State Fair Board on April 30, 2008

May 1, 2008
Thank you for allowing us to speak in behalf of our children vs. premise ID - Chuck & Roni Sylvester

April 28, 2008
NFU Statement: Farm Bill Agreement - Liz Friedlander

April 26, 2008
Farm Bill Deal Reached

April 26, 2008
USCA Pleased with Increased Access to South Korea; Concerned About Increased Regulation

April 23, 2008
Amid strong farm economy, some dire signs - - Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

April 20, 2008
Urgent action needed! Take Back Colorado Letter Writing Campaign

April 15, 2008
Letters to Senators Cadman and Morse and Representatives Levy and Witwer by Leellen Kourlis

April 14, 2008
CICA Salutes Senator Ken Salazar

April 8, 2008
Comment period on Business Plan closes April 15, 2008

April 8, 2008
U.S. Cattlemen Support Farm Bill Title VI

March 19, 2008
Global Beef Marketing - Where's the beef going? By Darol Dickinson

March 10, 2008
Update on the National Animal Identification System by Judith McGeary

March 1, 2008
USA economy crashing-political change coming-cattle boom on the screen
John Carter’s report to ABA on R-CALF Convention in Omaha 21-24th Feb. 2008

February 2008
USCA Newsletter

February 16, 2008
PRCA Animal Welfare Update

January 17, 2008
U.S. Cattlemen Head To Washington Next Week; Focusing on the Farm Bill and Argentina Trade Issues - National Press Club Media Luncheon on Agenda

January 11, 2008
USCA on DTN Ag Policy Blog by Chris Clayton DTN Staff Reporter

January 11, 2008
Cattle Call to Arms: Argentine FMD Knocking at the Door

January 11, 2008
Cattlemen not keen on importing Argentine cattle by Tom Steever

January 7, 2008
U.S. Cattlemen's Assoc. Predicts Challenges and Opportunities During Second Congressional Session

January 7, 2008
Helpful Links Regarding the Senate Farm Bill and in Particular the Livestock Title

January 2, 2008
Constant Threat" >From Foreign Animal Disease - Article from BEEF Cow Calf Weekly, 12-21-2007

January 2, 2008
Let's Make A Deal by Holly Martin

December 30, 2007
A section of Montana Laws governing Non-Profits

December 22, 2007
Press Releases: Montana Cattlemen's Association and Paranoia Reigns at R-Calf (Good Neighbor Law takes no position on the matter between R-Calf and whomever. We welcome and will post your input un-edited. - Editor GNL)

December 15, 2007
Facts regarding NCBA & Packers

December 7, 2007
USCA's Testimony before the US International Trade Commission Hearing on Global Beef Trade

December 6, 2007
NY Dairy farmer Andrea Elliott update on Mystery Visit

December 6, 2007
The USDA's Losing effort - Costly Program for Rural Businesses Yields Dubious Results By Gilbert M. Gaul, Washington Post Staff Writer

December 2, 2007
Ted Turner's land grab generates suspicion in US; is he trying to drive ranchers out? -  The Associated Press

November 29, 2007
Independent Beef Association of North Dakota and U.S. Cattlemen's Association To Attend North Star Classic

November 26, 2007
U.S. Cattlemen's Association Urges Senate to Complete Farm Bill

November 20, 2007
U.S. Cattlemen's Association Testifies Before International Trade Commission

November 7, 2007
Stop National Animal ID - New USDA Guide—What are the costs? by Karin Bergener, Judith McGeary & Randy Givens

November 4, 2007
Down on The Farm - Kenneth Jarecke / Contact for TIME - By Michael Grunwald

October 20, 2007
Beef Checkoff Initiative Forms

September 2, 2007
America is disappearing as semi-literate and unskilled illegal aliens from backward Third World countries continue to flood into the United States with relative impunity. Read on... Transformation of Wild West by meat packing fuels immigration row
Telegraph (UK) : August 22 , 2007 -- by David Litterick

July 8, 2007
Project changed photographer's perspective of ranches, cowboys by Bill Reed, The Gazette

March 7, 2007
Ranchers Fight Fort Carson On Eminent Domain Issue, Bill Limits Federal Government's Power,

March 6, 2007
Ranchers Fight Fort Carson On Eminent Domain Issue - News

April 5, 2007
Pets, Food Safety, China, The FDA, and Your Health by Byron J. Richards, CNN,

January 20, 2007
The 2006 Agricultural Identification Survey and the NASS/NAIS Identity By Mary Zanoni, Ph.D., J.D.


"The cultivation of the earth ought ever to be esteemed as the most useful and necessary employment in life.  The food, and raiment, by which all other orders of men are supported, are derived from the earth.  Agriculture is of consequence, the art which supports, supplies, and maintains all the rest."
The Old Farmer's Almanac -1796

Click below for The Battle Hymn of the Republic as produced by a group of
High School student musicians.