November 26, 2013 Losing Liberty by John Porter
It seems to me that no matter what, we continue down the path to the complete loss of all Individual Liberty in the United States of America. I literally cry real tears of sorrow in my observance of the death of our Constitution and Liberty. Click here to continue.
November 26, 2013 The following essay has been posted on America's Uncommon Sense JFK and the Moon: Anatomy of a Historic Decision by Harrison H. Schmitt
Sadly, President John F. Kennedy did not live to experience the positive emotional and geopolitical outcomes of his decision to challenge the country to go to the Moon. The tragic events of November 22, 1963, prevented this well-deserved honor. Click here to continue.
… as We the People ponder the state of our nation. A stock market plunge, a debt spike, and a flood of over-printed, under-valued currency. A European financial crises and the rise of political extremism. Heat waves scorching American crops and the devaluation of agricultural land. An abundance of poverty and a paucity of jobs. 300 full-time converted to 400 part-time positions: “job growth.” The tail end of a long and unpopular overseas conflict. Russia looming large as both enemy and ally. An Asian nation rapidly industrializing with little but domination on the mind. A lunatic spewing anti-Semitic and anti-western rhetoric, while stockpiling arms intended to destroy the lives of millions. Appeasement. 2013 looks an awful lot like 1938. Click here to continue.
September 11, 2013 We paid for it. We have a right to see it. - Publicly-funded scientists who keep their work secret should be censured and cut off from future funding Ron Arnold Who owns taxpayer-funded science? From the way many scientists behave, it’s not the taxpayers. Click here to continue.
August 17, 2013 Putting bicycles ahead of people - Pressure groups and government officials are seizing property – with no accountability - This is a story of raw power, collusion and government corruption. A story that is taking place in countless towns all over America. A story of “reinvented” government, where self-proclaimed private “stakeholders” and pressure groups set the rules, local elected officials rubber stamp them, and non-elected regional governments enforce them, sometimes with an iron fist ... click here to continue Tom DeWeese The plastic shows where the bike path will go – right up to the bottom step of the Granato home.
August 15, 2013
In his latest column, my friend and CFACT colleague Craig Rucker takes a very hard look at so-called “renewable energy.” Not surprisingly, he concludes that this heavily subsidized energy “alternative” is not renewable – and not clean, reliable, affordable or sustainable, either. That may not be news to many of your readers.
But the points Craig makes, and the examples he cites, strongly buttress the growing view among voters, energy users, and even many scientists and politicians, that it is time to pull the plug on these programs … which represent political cronyism, wasteful spending, economic damage and environmental harm at their worst.
Thank you for posting his article, quoting from it, and forwarding it to your friends and colleagues.
Best regards, Paul Driessen
Not so bright lights - So-called “renewable energy” is not clean, renewable, reliable, affordable or sustainable. By Craig Rucker
June 11, 2013 The Endangered Species Act- This week's Cattle Call recaps the Natural Resources hearing diving into the controversial Endangered Species Act. Although both sides agree the ESA is flawed, getting both sides to come to the table is another story.
April 25, 2013
From: John Porter, April 23, 2013 In light of yet another Islamic Muslim attack on Americans, this time in Boston.
To: Americans Everywhere;
In black lettering is a speech (click here) delivered at a convention by Brigitte Gabriel, an Arab who was born and reared in Lebanon. She came to America and founded the organization, Act For America. She and her organization are devoted to educating Americans, and indeed the world, on the real truth about the Muslim world and their religion of Islam.
Brigitte Gabriel
Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction?
Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying on our backs and hugging the elusive phantom of hope, until our enemies have bound us hand and foot?
– Patrick Henry
March 28, 2013 Democratic New Mexico senator worked closely with convicted eco-terrorist - Read more in The Daily Caller:
March 20, 2013 Hiding the slaughter of birds and bats - Big Wind hides evidence of turbine bird kills – and gets rewarded. Here’s how they do it. Jim Wiegand
March 8, 2013 North Carolina bill would make EPA human experiments a felony, click here. The Woodpecker was a Nature Conservancy scheme to steal more land, click here. By Steve Milloy Photo by Roni Bell (c) 2012
January 7, 2013 Government of, by and for activists - University think tank’s lawsuit raises serious questions about the old and new EPA- Ron Arnold
January 5, 2013 Great News!!! Stacy Lynne had a Contempt Hearing regarding the CFI (Child and Family Investigator) fees she was ordered to pay. (If you will remember, neither Stacy or Jaden ever received any services of the Court Appointed CFI) The Petitioner was requesting a finding of Punitive and Remedial Contempt which could have resulted in Stacy Lynne being sentenced to jail time.. It happens to parents all the time when they can't pay the Dog and Pony Show called Family Court. Click here to continue - by Jeannie Hines