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Jim Beers
2014 | 2012-2013 | 2009-2011 | 2007-2008

December 13, 2013
News v. Truth - The following article is from today’s St. Paul (MN) newspaper. The purposely confusing obfuscations and the illusion of solving the decline in the deer harvest is worth examining. Click here to continue.
By Jim Beers

December 11, 2013
Just Three Things - Consider just three of the things destroying Rural American Life today. Consider the ongoing federal government takeover of authority over water, guns and wild animals. Consider also that all federal officials both elected and appointed take an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”. Click here to continue.
By Jim Beers

November 5, 2013
Some "Howcums"
By Jim Beers
How come the same animal “lovers” that are outraged by chicken fights or dogfights blithely ignore or are Ok with funding and supporting government wolves that kill and maim thousands of pet dogs, watch dogs, hunting dogs and herding dogs? How come? Click here to continue.

November 1, 2013
Repeal The 17th Amendment!
By Jim Beers

September 4, 2013
DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO!, Salt Lake Tribune; September 3, 2013 - Utah to proceed with mountain goat plan despite USFS's objections. There have never been mountain goats in Utah's La Sal Mountains, and for that reason the U.S. Forest Service is objecting to Utah's decision to put the animals in the small island range near Moab to eventually allow trophy hunting of the goats.
By Jim Beers

August 5, 2013
USFWS Behaving Badly
By Jim Beers

July 19, 2013
More Common Sense About Wolves
By Jim Beers

July 15, 2013
Your Pals Are Not Your Friends
By Jim Beers

May 20, 2013
OH YEAH?” “YEAH!” Who knew that another long-standing government scandal could be so funny? Not me. I am too busy wiping away tears from laughing so hard. This (Sunday) morning St. Paul Pioneer Press front page, left, is priceless. Ms. Dina Cappiello reports the following:
HeadlineFeds Quiet as Wind Farms Kill Eagles
Subtitle – Industry hasn’t faced fines that electric, oil companies have
Excerpts– Click here to continue.
By Jim Beers

May 9, 2013
The Basis of Patriotism
By Jim Beers

April 21, 2013
An outline of a talk given by Jim Beers on 13 April 2013 at The Spokane (WA) Citizen’s Alliance for Property Rights’ Fundraiser, “Wolves and Water.”
By Jim Beers

February 12, 2013
The New Secretary of the Interior - Warning - SHE’S NO JEWEL
By Jim Beers

January 4, 2013
The Problem With Gun Control by Jim Beers

December 5, 2012
Tailoring Wolf "Science" To Justify Political Ends by Jim Beers

October 17, 2012
A NATION WOBBLING MORE ALL THE TIME - Wolves, Abortion & Same-Sex Marriage by Jim Beers

September 29, 2012

The Misplaced Faith Of Rural Americans By Jim Beers

September 1, 2012
Confronting Tyranny & Slavery by Jim Beers

August 22, 2012
Bad Kitties! Cougar Attacks Horse in Aitkin Co. By: Leslie Rolander 08/21/2012 The Associated Press - A horse owner whose 900-pound mare was attacked by a cougar wants other animal owners in Aitkin County to be on the lookout for the big cats.Lori Hart's quarter horse Molly was mauled last week on her property north of Aitkin ... click here to continue

August 21, 2012
If I Owned The Woods by Jim Beers

July 16, 2012
Little Brothers - (A follow-up to GOVERNMENT FIRES – THE TORCHING OF RURAL AMERICA. See below.) by Jim Beers

July 15, 2012
The Torching Of America
by Jim Beers

July 12, 2012
FOUR ROADS that lead not to Rome but to the collapse of Rural America

June 30, 2012
Lessons From Alberta by Jim Beers

June 30, 2012

Rampant wolf attacks plague livestock By Ian Cowie

June 17, 2012

March 4, 2012
Whatever Happened To Jim Beers by Jim Beers

March 3, 2012
A Wolf Dialogue by Jim Beers

February 16, 2012
Rabies, Wolves and Tyranny by Jim Beers

January 9, 2012
Warning: This article contains graphic depictions. Worshipping Science By Jim Beers